Hi-Yu expands Teen Ambassador program to 12
The current teen ambassadors for West Seattle Hi-Yu are Louis, Alyssa, Callie and Lily.
Wed, 02/03/2016
information from West Seattle Hi-Yu
West Seattle Hi-Yu, Inc. is expanding the West Seattle Hi-Yu Teen Ambassador program to add 4 more Teen Ambassadors 3 times a year, until there are a total of 12 West Seattle Hi-Yu Teen Ambassadors. We now have four Teen Ambassadors that were installed in November.
Each new set of 4 will be added in Feb/March and another set of 4 in June/July and the last set of 4 in Oct/Nov. That way there will always be some experienced West Seattle Hi-Yu Teen Ambassadors going forward. Teen Ambassadors will serve for a year from when they are installed, and they may re-apply if they want to continue for another year if they will still be in the age range of 13-16. This will give more stability to the West Seattle Hi-Yu Teen Ambassador program into the future. Current West Seattle Hi-Yu Teen Ambassadors are: Lily Trinneer, Callie McFadden, Louis Quantrille, and Alyssa White. The benefits of participation are worth the time dedicated to West Seattle Hi-Yu and more benefits will continue to be expanded in the future. The community service volunteer hours are a very important aspect for this age group.
See the application form at the link.
We are also seeking scholarship funding to be awarded at the end of their year of service.
West Seattle Hi-Yu, Inc. meetings are the first Monday of each month at the Admiral Congregational Church 4320 SW Hill St. (three blocks North of Admiral Way on California Ave SW)
West Seattle Hi-Yu, Inc. is an All volunteer non-profit 501 c 4 organization celebrating the 82nd year as a community summer festival. Membership is open to all West Seattle residents and businesses. Membership Applications are available at: westseattlehiyu.com
For additional information, contact:
Joanne Murray, Coordinator
West Seattle Hi-Yu Teen Ambassador program
206-932-6064 murraysj2@msn.com