Talk about a great deal: Here's your chance to help sponsor the WSHS Chinook
Wed, 03/09/2016
information from WSHS
The West Seattle High School Alumni Association Board is seeking sponsors for this year's Alumni Chinook. For $100, advertisers will receive a business card-sized ad in the Chinook, mailed to some 17,000 Association members in April, PLUS be a featured advertiser on the Association's web site for a full year. (For $30, sponsors may opt for only the Chinook ad.)
Please send your check and one business card to WSHSAA, 4742 42nd Ave .SW #215, Seattle 98116. The deadline for publication in the Chinook is March 14, 2016. (If you or members of your staff are alums of WSHS, please include your name(s) and class year(s) so we can highlight that information in your ad.) Contact Mary Toal 206-227-6938.
Alumni Scholarship Applications
- West Seattle High School Alumni Scholarship Applications are DUE 4/8. The Alumni Association Scholarship awards over $100,000 to worthy students to further their education. Applications must be submitted by mail to Alumni Scholarship Chairperson, WSHS Alumni Assn, 4742 42nd Ave. SW, #215, Seattle, WA 98116-4553, POSTMARKED by April 8, 2016. More info at Questions? Contact Sandy DuBuque/Scholarship Chairperson at: