Hi-Yu scholarship and Ambassador deadline extended; Do you know someone who qualifies?
Tue, 06/14/2016
information from West Seattle Hi-Yu
West Seattle Hi-Yu, Inc. is celebrating 82 years in West Seattle as a summer festival.
According to Chinook jargon Hi-Yu means abundance, much, plenty, big time fun celebration. We hope to continue the tradition as an All volunteer West Seattle Hi-Yu community summer festival into the future.
We have extended the deadline to tomorrow, June 15th. so if you have any friends that you think may be interested let them know to contact info@westseattlehiyu.com so we can send them the information.
We have scholarships for three West Seattle Hi-Yu Sr. court and also four more Teen Ambassadors.
West Seattle Hi-Yu Sr. court age 17-22 students that live in West Seattle, Teen Ambassadors age 13-16 students that live in West Seattle. A Parent or guardian must join West Seattle Hi-Yu and assist the various activities and parades.
Orientation will be on Monday, June 20th. at 6 pm and interviews at 6:30 before the Hi-Yu meeting at the Admiral Congregational Church.
Please pass the information on to teens you know and let me know.
A schedule of upcoming Hi-Yu events is attached.
This is a wonderful opportunity for community service and a lot of fun activities and parades for teens for the summer and scholarships to assist with continuing education.