Historical Society provides lots of ways
to 'Love' The Junction’ during Summer Fest
Wed, 07/06/2016
information from Southwest Seattle Historical Society.
The Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s "We LOVE The Junction" Task Force plans a variety of activities during West Seattle Summer Fest that will invite attendees to support the preservation of key buildings in The West Seattle Junction.
The headquarters for these activities will be the Southwest Seattle Historical Society booth, located next to the Easy Street Records booth, just north of the main Junction intersection of California Avenue Southwest and Southwest Alaska Street.
The activities are part of the yearlong campaign of the "We LOVE The Junction" Task Force to support the historical society’s effort to secure city landmark status for the Campbell Building (main tenant Cupcake Royale) and the Hamm Building (main tenant Easy Street Records).
On Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, the task force will stage 360-degree group photos at noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the California/Alaska intersection just north of the festival’s main information booth.
The photos will feature a "We LOVE The Junction" banner in the foreground and include the Campbell Building and Hamm Building. Everyone is encouraged to come and pose in one or more of these unique photos, which will be posted immediately on social media.
Free "We LOVE The Junction" walking tours of The Junction also will be offered during Summer Fest. Here are the tour topics, times and leaders:
“The ABCs of the West Seattle Junction Historical Survey,” 12:15-1:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, leader Deb Barker, who served on the survey’s steering committee.
“If These Buildings Could Talk: Stores of the Past,” 2:15-3:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, leaders Peder Nelson, vice-president of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society board.
“The Art of History: The Murals of West Seattle,” 3:15-4:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, leader Clay Eals, executive director, Southwest Seattle Historical Society.
In addition, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society booth will feature a "We LOVE The Junction" chalkboard, on which visitors can write their reasons for their attachment to West Seattle’s shopping hub. The answers will be photographed and posted online.
"We LOVE The Junction" buttons will be for sale at the booth for a $1 donation. Brochures explaining the campaign will be available, and people will be invited to sign the campaign’s statement of support. Also, the booth will feature the popular “Guess the Number of Lincoln Logs” contest, and $100 Golden Tickets for a chance at winning a Holland America “Choose Your Cruise” will be on sale.
This summer, the historical society plans to submit landmark nominations for the Campbell and Hamm buildings prepared by a consultant funded by a 4Culture grant.