West Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice campaigning against modernizing nuclear arsenal
Mon, 09/12/2016
West Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice (WSNFPJ), a local organization dedicated to peace and justice shared an announcement regarding their opposition to the modernization of the nation's nuclear weapons.
"We decided to join the campaign of Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR) to educate the public and lobby Congressional members to oppose the plans to “modernize” America’s nuclear arsenal, a plan that could cost trillions of dollars. The intent is to build a completely new nuclear arsenal, that is, a new bomber, new ICBMs, new submarines, new smaller (“more usable”) warheads, and a new laboratory over the next thirty years. There has been no debate about these plans. "
Quoting WPSR’s summer newsletter, http://www.psr.org/chapters/washington/assets/pdfs/newsletters/summer-2… , these plans are “immoral, illegal, intolerably expensive, unacceptably dangerous, and militarily useless”.
WSNFPJ will designate a contact person for the coalition WPSR is building to wage the campaign.