The boundary changes for Sanislo Elementary School recommended by Seattle Public Schools staff will be discussed in a public meeting in the library at Denny International Middle School on Oct. 11 at 6:30pm.
A community meeting has been set by Seattle Public Schools to review staff recommendations regarding boundary changes for Sanislo Elementary school, meaning they would move back to the Denny International Middle School/ Chief Sealth International High School feeder zone. The meeting is set for 6:30 pm Tuesday, October 11th, in the library at Denny IMS 2601 SW Kenyon.
The information has been posted on the Seattle Public Schools website:
Sanislo/Denny/Chief Sealth Alignment
Map Showing Middle School Alignment Change for Sanislo
Staff recommends that the entire Sanislo Elementary School attendance area be re-aligned with the Denny International Middle School attendance area and feeder pattern. This would return the Sanislo feeder pattern to Denny for middle school.
Additionally, staff recommends that the addition of Sanislo into the Denny feeder pattern be aligned with the high school boundaries. This would mean that the Chief Sealth International High School attendance area would include Sanislo beginning in 2017-18. Currently Denny feeds into Chief Sealth and Madison feeds into West Seattle High School, thus this alignment would be necessary if Sanislo is in the Denny feeder pattern.
Why these amendments are being recommended:
Sanislo moved into the Madison Middle School feeder pattern in 2015-16; since then, Madison has become an option site for the Highly Capable Cohort. Updated enrollment and capacity information for Madison (and Denny) support returning Sanislo into Denny.
The district has also received school community feedback in support of this move. Over the past two years, many rising 5th grade Sanislo students have completed choice applications to attend Denny for 6th grade. With this amendment, only Sanislo's middle school feeder pattern would change. Sanislo's elementary attendance area will remain the same.