West Seattle JUNO meeting is set for Sept 27
Sun, 09/25/2016
The next meeting for the Junction Neighborhood Association will be Tuesday Sept. 27 at the WS Senior Center, 6:30-7:30pm.
Speakers and the Agenda:
JESSE ROBBINS- Jesse is actively engaging community groups in West Seattle to gain insights and public opinions on impact sidewalk closures resulting from construction and mixed use developments - such as the WHITAKER building site on SW Alaska and Fauntleroy Way.
AVALON SUB STATION & PECOS PIT- Update on Pecos Pit BBQ launch, community engagement, and discussion of plan to demo the sub station to develop Pecos large surface Parking lot - how green can it be and current impact.
CITY LIGHT - LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS in WEST SEATTLE ALASKA JUNCTION Kelly Enright with Seattle City Light is working to improve lighting in the Junction. We will have an updated report.
WEST SEATTLE ALASKA JUNCTION EMERGENCY HUB- Save the date : Opening day, Sunday, October 23, 2016 at the Hope Lutheran Church parking lot, the corner of 42nd Ave. SW and Oregon Street, between 12:00pm and 3:00pm. Volunteers welcome.
SEATTLE CITY COUNCILMEMBER LISA HERBOLD- Our very own District 1 City Councilmember, Lisa Herbold will be in attendance.
ENGAGE SEATTLE Sharing the link to Mayor Murray's new online information pipeline for neighborhood people to have opportunity to post their ideas and opinions about community & neighborhoods for the NEW Department of Neighborhoods to review. It is interesting and hope you will have a look and consider using it as a tool for outreach with the city.