Find it-Fix it walk update offers a detailed look at the work ahead for Roxhill-Westwood neighborhood
Tue, 10/04/2016
information from City of Seattle
On July 25, 2016, Mayor Ed Murray led the 17th Find It, Fix It Community Walk in Roxhill / Westwood. Over 65 community members and representatives from 10 City departments attended the walk to discuss public safety issues and highlight positive aspects of the neighborhood. This report summarizes all of the City’s current responses to community concerns and questions brought up during the Find It, Fix It Community Walk process.
Community members submitted four Find It, Fix It Community Project Grant applications for Roxhill / West-wood. The selection committee granted funds to three projects. Over the next few months, the project leads will collaborate with the City and the Roxhill / Westwood community to complete these projects. The follow-ing project descriptions are taken directly from grant applications submitted by community members.
Project 1: Revitalize the 22nd Avenue SW and SW Henderson Street Staircase
Who: A group of concerned neighbors
What: Partner with Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to clear and mulch an overgrown area adjacent to the stairs and paint a mural down the full length of the stairs.
Why: The to massively im-prove the appearance of the stairway by engaging the surrounding community in that work and the ongoing care of the stairway. We want to reclaim it and make it safe. We are promoting the idea of “positive loitering” where neighbors spend time on the stairs in addition to the service work of touching up the mu-ral, picking up trash, and engaging with people walking through.
When: Ongoing/Fall 2016
Update: Project lead, Ami, collaborated with SDOT to plan out a timeline of vegetation removal and mulch-ing. In late September, SDOT contracted Rent-A-Ruminant ( to have goats eat the overgrown vegetation on the north side of the staircase. Members of the SDOT Urban Forestry Team then cleaned up some remaining garbage uncovered by the goats. The neighbors worked together on Octo-ber 1st to clear the entire north side of the stairs of final vegetation and garbage. Neighbors plan to mulch the area on Saturday, October 8 from 12-2pm with mulch contributed by SDOT. The mural part of the pro-ject is still in the planning and design phase.
Project 2: Delridge/Barton/18th Triangle Planning
Who: Neighbors near a triangular piece of land at 9200 -9218 Delridge Way SW
What: To set the framework for City involvement to engaging the community in order to gain background understanding of the space, scope the short and long term project, and complete a survey of the needs of the community in order to determine the potential community utilization and expression in the space. Also, to immediately implement short-term landscape improvements to improve visibility, reduce drug and alcohol activity, garbage and illegal dumping.
Why: The purpose of the project is to establish a voice for the space with the City, and a platform of what will be a multi-phase grant-driven project. The concerns that would be addressed under the constraints of this grant would be:
1) To start the process of immediately converting the space from a community hostile liability into a community building asset by mitigating tree cover and other identified issues.
2) To reduce criminal activity in the space and surrounding area by opening up the space in the short term, with the long-term goal of applying concepts of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
3) To improve bus stop safety and elevate connectivity of the bus stop as a priority on Delridge Corridor to meet City SDOT transit goals.
4) To identify the traffic safety needs along the space on Delridge Way in context with the rapid development and projected increased utilization of the bus stop, both north and south bound in that section of the Del-ridge Corridor. There are no stop signs, cross walks or other pedestrian safety measures in and around the space.
When: Fall 2016, community meeting date to be announced
Project 3: Light Installation at the Barton P-Patch
Who: Barton Street P-Patch
What: The Barton Street P-Patch would like to rent a street light from City Light and have it installed on an existing utility pole in a highly-used public area.
Why: The light would illuminate a section of the P-Patch that is heavily used by the Roxhill neighborhood as they walk from the C line bus stop through the P-Patch to their homes. At night the path is dark and groups gather to drink and party. Our hope is to illuminate the area to make it safer for neighbors and make it easier for police to do drive by patrols when neighbors call to complain about illegal activities after hours.
When: Fall 2016 (or when Memorandum of Understanding between utility pole owner and P-Patch is signed.
Southwest Precinct Updates
Increased Patrols in the Westwood Village Area
There have been numerous emphasis patrols to support the SW Precinct around the Westwood Village area since July 25th. We have logged 262 extra emphasis patrols in the area during the last two months.
Abandoned Vehicles
There were 13 Reports of abandoned vehicles from July 25th to August 1st 2016. Of those reports, SPD chalked/tagged 10 vehicles and towed two vehicles. Six vehicles were gone after being tagged. One vehicle had no action possible/necessary and one vehicle cited waiting for impound. Three of the vehicles reported were gone at first contact.
Homeless Encampments in Roxhill Park
Currently Homeless Encampment cleanups are on hold. Officers have been focusing on crime concerns includ-ing safety concerns at the Rapid Ride Bus Stop, juvenile drinking, drug use, and property crime.
Encampment near 24th Avenue SW and SW Trenton Street
The property owner cut back overgrown vegetation in August to increase sight lines on the property. There are no encampments at 24th and Trenton at this time.
SDOT released a draft of the Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) for public comment in early July of this year. The Plan identifies priority locations for pedestrian improvements throughout the city over the next 20 years based on a citywide analysis of data related to the plan goals of Vibrancy (demand), Safety, Equity, and Health. Because SDOT can only afford to build or improve a certain number of sidewalks or crossings each year, the intent is to focus resources in areas where conditions are difficult and where people need to be able to walk the most.
SDOT collected public input until late August, 2016, including feedback on the Plan’s proposed prioritization methodology, the Priority Investment Network, and other strategies included in the Plan (including low-cost walking improvements). The full public review draft (as well as additional project information) is available online at, as well as at all public libraries. You can also sign up to receive project notifications at the webpage listed above. Public comments will be used to develop the Mayor’s recommended plan that will go to City Council for review and adoption later this year or early next year.
Damaged Sidewalks
A little known fact about sidewalk repair in Seattle is that maintenance is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner unless the sidewalk has been damaged by the City (a City-maintained tree or City crews). Like many other cities, Seattle’s laws require that adjacent property owners keep their sidewalks in good repair and safe for public travel. This means keeping the sidewalk clear from vegetation overgrowth, snow and ice accumulation, as well as making repairs to the sidewalks when damaged. Additional information can be found here:
In addition to sidewalk repairs by property owners, SDOT carries out a large number of projects through our Sidewalk Repair Program. More information on this program is available here:
If you would like to report specific locations that are in need of maintenance, you can report them by calling the SDOT Road Line at (206) 684-ROAD (7623) or by filling out an online form at SDOT crews will then perform any temporary repairs needed at that location and notify the property owner of their responsibility to repair the sidewalk.
Impacts of Buses on the Streets in Roxhill / Westwood
SDOT is aware of the paving conditions in Roxhill / Westwood and we have been in contact with the commu-nity regarding these concerns. In addition to the Find It, Fix It Walk in July, SDOT staff also attended a com-munity meeting in March to discuss paving needs and concerns near the Westwood Village Transit Hub.
SDOT recently completed some concrete replacement and spot paving in some locations. Initial reports from the community are that our work has improved the experience for travelers and neighbors. We are also working with King County Metro to enforce a 20 mile per hour "slow order." SDOT will shortly be installing some bus speed advisory signs to reinforce the slow order directive to the operators. Our intention is to re-place another stretch of panels next year on 26th Ave SW in the northbound direction.
Improvements Near SW Barton Rapid Ride Buses Staging Area
King County Metro will be installing six pedestrian-scale lights (similar to the one already at the RapidRide stop) along the edge of the park, improving the sidewalk by making it wider, and improving all four sidewalk ramps at the intersection of SW Barton Street and 29th Ave SW. We are currently preparing the 60% design plans and expect a permit early in the fall, with construction to follow in the fourth quarter this year.
Recycling Bins Removed from the Right of Way at SW Trenton St and 25 Ave SW
The containers were removed by an SDOT crew from this location the last week of September after proper notice was issued.
Are there ways to make the streets safer for pedestrians?
Yes, there are several other options that neighbors can pursue to make streets safer for pedestrians in their neighborhood, including:
1) Conduct a speed study
Residents have access to radar equipment available for checkout at our neighborhood service centers ( More information about checking out the radar gun can be found at Neighborhood Traffic Calming page at
2) Report incidents to the police
The decision to make traffic calming measures is made around the need to improve safety. SDOT uses collision data that is reported to the police to prioritize projects.
3) Get in touch with your local neighborhood/community council
Connecting with your neighborhood council is a great way to gauge what type of support you have for proposals and to gain support from others as you begin to strategize solutions moving forward. Contacts can be found here:
4) Apply for a Neighborhood Parks and Street Fund (NPSF) in 2017
The Neighborhood Parks & Street Fund Program is a funding resource for projects created by residents and businesses. If you have an idea for a project that addresses collision or speeding concerns, you can apply to the Neighborhood Park and Street Fund. This program funds requested and prioritized projects. Find more program information and an application here:
5) Apply for a Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF)
This fund is highly recommended for developing neighborhood or street plans. It can also be used to install a traffic calming device if there is a documented problem. These funds help provide neighborhood groups with City resources for community-driven projects that enhance and strengthen their own neighborhoods. All projects are initiated, planned and implemented by community members in partnership with the City. Every award is matched by a neighborhood’s or community’s resources of volunteer labor, donated materials, donated professional services or cash. This community match is at the heart of the NMF Program. For more information, visit:
6) Apply for a Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) in 2018
The NSF program pays for transportation projects identified and prioritized by the community. Projects range from crossing improvements to creating unique public spaces. For more information, visit:
Roxhill/Westwood Parks
Roxhill Park
Litter is removed daily in the most used areas of the park: play area, skate spot, entrances. SPR makes a quick second visit in the afternoon to check again including the restrooms. The trails back areas are checked daily during the week but we do not have the staff to do this on the weekends. Prior to the increase in buses the trails were checked twice a week but we have had to increase this. The packer (garbage truck) visits the park at least 4 times a week and on demand if the dumpsters fill up sooner. Programs such as sack lunch in the summer add a load.
Staff does a visual check from the trails but does not go into the “woods” or ponds. We have been doing this weekly since July 20 because we observed an increase in camps and hangout areas and had police support.
In early August, after the Find It, Fix It Walk, Seattle Parks representatives completed a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) walk around Roxhill Park. Our recent projects have increased sight lines and a number of areas so that park staff, the public, and police can see what is going on better.
Longfellow Creek Natural Area
SPR and Seattle Police Department (SPD) heard concerns from community members during the Find It, Fix It Walk about loitering and vandalism in the Longfellow Creek Natural Area. In early August, we worked to get a permit to remove the broken platform. In early September, the platform was removed and has been replaced by a fence. The graffiti (most of which was on trees) has been removed. As a result of this action, the loiter-ing, drug use, graffiti, and littering has ceased for the time being at the Longfellow Creek Natural Area.
Miscellaneous Updates
Trashcan at NE corner of 35th Avenue SW and SW Barton Street? - King County Metro
All requests for trashcans at bus stops are passed on to King County Metro. Metro does not maintain non-sheltered bus stops. The Rapid Ride bus stop eastbound on SW Barton St & 35 Av SW is an unsheltered stop, and trash service will not be provided at this stop. Current ridership is about 27 boardings per day or about half of the minimum requirement for installation of a bus shelter & trash service.
Metro provides trash receptacles and litter pickup at approximately 1,700 bus stops with standard Metro bus shelters in King County. Metro does not have the funding to provide litter service at the other 6,300 bus stops in King County.
Updates on 22nd Avenue SW and SW Henderson Street Staircase
During the Roxhill / Westwood Find It, Fix It Community Walk, community members asked for three action items at the staircase at 22nd and Henderson. Please see below for updates on these three items.
1. Add trashcans at the bottom and top of the stairs - Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) : The 22nd and Hender-son location does not meet the criteria for a City of Seattle public trashcan because it is within a residential neighborhood. SPU Public Place Litter and Recycling Program resources are intended for reducing the accu-mulation of waste in public congested areas. For more information on can placement criteria, please visit:…. While the City is still trying to find a solution, Adopt-a-Street is an option for members of the community who are interested in keeping litter in the area controlled for the meantime. SPU provides neighbors who sign up for the Adopt-a-Street program with garbage cleanup supplies, safety equipment, and after cleanup garbage pickup. If you are interested in adopting the 22nd and Henderson staircase or another part of the neighbor-hood, please visit:….
2. Cut back tree at the top of the stairs that is blocking the light - Seattle City Light (SCL): Trees cut back in August 2016.
3. Clear out the brush on the north side of the stairs - Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT): Rent-A-Ruminant goats cleared out the vegetation on the north side of the stairs. SDOT Urban Forestry crews came in after in late September to complete trash removal in preparation for the community work day. Neighbors cleared out the bulk of the remaining roots and vines on October 1st.
Repaint Rusty Steel transmission pole behind 4856 18th Av SW - SCL
SCL has no maintenance budget or program for this type of work on transmission structures. We are working on a maintenance program for the future.
What do I do with needles, syringes, and other sharps?
Needles, syringes, and other sharps are considered biomedical waste and dangerous litter and require proper disposal. If you use or find sharps, information on how to properly dispose of used sharps is below:
4 Ways for Seattle Residents to Report Sharps on City Property
1. Complete an Illegal Dumping Report which you can find online at….
2. Call the illegal dumping hotline at (206) 684-7587 Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm.
3. Report sharps via the Find it, Fix it Mobile App:
4. Contact the Parks Maintenance Request Line to report sharps on City of Seattle parks grounds Monday to Friday, 7:00am-3:30pm, at (206) 684-7250. After hours, contact the Park Duty Officer at (206) 982-4583.
City staff can clean up discarded sharps in public areas but are unable to remove sharps from private proper-ty. If you are unsure if a discarded sharp is on public or private property call the Customer Service Bureau at (206) 684-2489 (CITY) for advice.
Tips for Picking up Sharps on Private Property
If you find sharps on private property in your neighborhood, use these tips to maximize your safety:
To pick up sharps more safely, you will need at least a sharps container, gloves, a grabber tool, and closed-toe shoes
Treat all discarded sharps/needles as if contaminated.
Never pick up discarded sharp/needles with your bare hands. Wearing gloves can protect against fluid contamination, but not punctures or cuts.
Use a tool, like tongs, to pick up the sharp/needle.
Always wear closed-toe shoes to protect your feet.
Pick up the sharp/needle by the plastic end, pointing the sharp tip away from your body.
Do not attempt to recap a syringe if found uncapped.
Wash your hands with soap and water afterwards.
Tips for Disposing of Sharps from Private Property
Avoid walking a far distance holding a sharp/needle.
Do not hold the container while placing the sharp inside. Instead, put the container on a stable surface.
Place the needle point down into the sharps container.
Securely place the lid on the container and ensure it is sealed.
Hold the container by the top when carrying.
Where to Dispose Sharps from Private Property
In the City of Seattle, it is illegal to dispose of needles, lancets, and syringes in your regular garbage can or recycling container.
If you do not have a sharps container, make one from an empty household container that cannot be punctured, stays upright, is made of heavy-duty plastic, does not leak, and that has a tight fitting lid.
Do not use a milk container, glass container, water bottle, or soda can to make a sharps container.
If you make your own sharps container, clearly label the container "SHARPS, DO NOT RECYCLE."
Check with your pharmacy or healthcare provider to dispose of sharps containers.
Syringe drop boxes are available 24 hours a day at the following locations:
- Downtown Public Health Center (2124 4th Avenue, Seattle)
- The Auburn, Eastgate (Bellevue), and Federal Way Public Health Centers
Near Roxhill / Westwood: Bring sharps containers to South Recycling and Disposal Station (130 S Ken-yon Street) from 8:00am-5:30pm 7 days a week. It is free to dispose of 1 sharps container per trip.
Questions on sharps disposal?
Visit… or call Seattle-King County Public Health at (206) 263-2000.
Community Contacts and resources
Below are contacts related to this report and to your neighborhood:
Westwood / Roxhill / Arbor Heights Community Council
Questions on Find It, Fix It Community Projects?
Revitalize the 22nd Ave SW and SW Henderson St Staircase: Ami Pendley -
Delridge/Barton/18th Triangle Planning: Kim Barnes -
Neighborhood District Coordinator
Kerry Wade,, Office: (206) 733-9091, Cell: (206) 316-7283
Seattle Police Department Southwest Precinct
For Animal Noise Complaints
Call the Seattle Animal Shelter at (206) 386-7387. Go to for more information.
Customer Service Bureau
For service requests or information on City programs and services, call the City Information and Complaint Line at (206) 684-2489 (CITY) voice or (TTY) 7-1-1. To submit service requests online, visit