UPDATE: Two Junction bus shelters to be removed; Comment period now extended
Sat, 10/22/2016
Update 11/4/16
The public comment period has been extended to Nov. 18 for the potential removal of two bus shelters in the West Seattle Junction was announced by King County Metro. The shelters are on the south side of SW Alaskan Street between California Ave SW and 44th Ave SW; the two shelters are the ones closest to 44th, between the alley and 44th. This would not affect the shelters to the east, between California and the alley. If you have comments, please contact dale.cummings@kingcounty.gov or call 206-553-3000.
These shelters, like the others in that area of the junction feature historical metal reproductions of the West Seattle Herald front pages from our long history, since 1923 of serving the community.
Original Post 10/2216
Notices have gone up on two of the bus shelters just west of California Ave SW in the West Seattle Junction notifying riders that they will be removed in mid-November for "safety reasons."
The notice reads, "In mid-November, the two shelters at the west end of this bus stop (next to the Porta-Potty) will be permanently removed as part of a safety improvement by Metro and the West Seattle Junction Association. The two shelters at the east end of this bus stop (next to the bus stop flag) will remain.
This bus stop will remain open and routes 50 to Othell Station, 128 to Southcenter, and 773 (West Seattle Water Taxi Shuttle) to Seacrest Marina will continue to stop here as usual.
For more information or to comment, call Metro Customer Information at 206-553-3000."