Community members sought to advise on development plans for South Seattle College
Fri, 12/16/2016
City Councilmember Lisa Herbold in her newsletter shared this notice about South Seattle College.
"Do you want to advise the City on the development plans of South Seattle College? Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is seeking interested community members from surrounding neighborhoods to serve on the South Seattle College Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) and provide feedback on projects planned and under development by the college to ensure it complies with its Master Plan. The Master Plan describes zoning rules, long range planning of the property, and transportation planning.
Community members who have experience in neighborhood issues, land use and zoning, architecture or landscape architecture, economic development, building development, educational services, or just have an interest in their neighborhood’s future are encouraged to apply.
The committee meets at South Seattle College one to four times a year. Committee members serve a two-year renewable term. If interested, send a letter of interest by either e-mail or regular mail to:
Maureen Sheehan
Mailing Address: Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
P.O. Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649