Well over an estimated 600 people showed up on Alki Beach for the annual Polar Bear Plunge on January 1, 2017.
Well over an estimated 600 people showed up at Alki Beach on Jan. 1 for the annual Polar Bear Plunge. Braving an outdoor air temperature of 32 degrees (with snow on the beach at places), the polar plungers stood by in towels and blankets preparing for the cold dip.
Organizer Mark Ufkes, offered gratitude to his wife for the past year and for the world hoped that everyone would work harder to get along.
Precisely at 10am, the countdown began, somewhat organically as people with apparently waterproof smartphones announced the start of the ten second countdown.
The time spent in the 45 degree water was less important than the fact that they met the challenge though many of instantly frigid folks did take advantage of the free and hot clam chowder provided by Duke's Chowder House.
It's a short event, often lasting less than 30 seconds but some brave souls took more time, diving in and giving the old year a complete rinse out and the new year a cool start.