New van for West Seattle Food Bank makes deliveries more efficient
Wed, 01/04/2017
Thanks to a very generous grant from the Employees Community Fund of Boeing/Puget Sound, the West Seattle Food Bank now has a second van. With this second van the Mobile Food Bank can set up distribution in four different locations around West Seattle that house many homebound or disabled clients that can’t make it to the Food Bank. WSFB can be more efficient in getting food to these individuals that rely on that service and the organization is now able to pick up addition donations when their other van is in use.
Judi Yazzolino, WSFB Development Director said of the new vehicle, "It has low operating costs, is a safe vehicle to operate, and we can fit a lot of food in the vehicle, which makes it efficient for our operations. The problem? We only had one van. Because our van was in constant use during operating hours we have been renting a van for two days per week for the past 10 months so we could bring food to the Mobile Food Bank off-site distributions."
The Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound, known as ECF, is an employee-owned and managed charitable giving program. Since 1951, generous Boeing employees have contributed over $600,000,000 to local Puget Sound nonprofits. ECF grants enable local Health & Human Service agencies to purchase much-needed equipment, renovate their facilities and build new construction that directly benefit their clients.
"From all at the West Seattle Food Bank," Yazzolino said, "we are so very grateful to the Boeing Employees that donate to this fund to support so many very important services in the Puget Sound area."