South Seattle College graduate wins ACT Transforming Lives award
Thu, 01/26/2017
South Seattle College graduate Marady Duong was awarded the Washington State Association of College Trustees (ACT) Transforming Lives Award in Olympia on Jan. 23, 2017. Duong received a $500 cash prize along with four other students selected from community and technical colleges across the state.
The winners shared their stories with college trustees, presidents and Washington state legislators at the Jan. 23 award ceremony to rousing applause for their journeys, which exemplify how lives can be transformed by pursing higher education at a community or technical college.
Duong immigrated to Washington state from Cambodia in 2011. She started taking English as a Second Language classes at South Seattle College, and through her own drive, encouragement from instructors and scholarship support, graduated from South in 2016 with associate degrees in both Business and Business Information Technology. She became a campus leader during her time at the college, participating in student government and starting the Southeast Asian Association student club. Today, Duong attends the University Of Washington Foster School Of Business.
“I want to be successful because since I was young, I’ve wanted to become a businesswoman,” Duong said. “Specifically, I want to create my own non-profit for youths. I have learned a lot from challenges that I have faced and know how to seek help when I am struggling. I would like to share these qualities with others, and help them overcome their challenges.”
Duong was nominated for the award by the Seattle Colleges Board of Trustees.
“Marady’s journey from rural Cambodia to Seattle required her to overcome many challenges, both in her home country and as a new immigrant to the U.S.,” Seattle Colleges Board of Trustees Chair Teresita Batayola wrote in her nomination letter. “Without question, Marady’s life has been transformed for the better since the moment she decided to sign up for an ESL class at South Seattle College.”
To learn more about Duong’s journey from Cambodia to the University of Washington in her own words, please visit the South Seattle College News Center.