Wells Fargo grants $100,000 to Capitol Hill Housing to help White Center
(left to right) Ian Smithgall, Development Director, White Center Food Bank; Sili Savusa, Executive Director, White Center CDA; Dwight Prevo, Vice President of Community Development, Wells Fargo; Steve Daschle, Southwest Youth and Family Services; Patrick Yalung, Regional President for Washington, Wells Fargo; Chris Persons, CEO, Capitol Hill Housing.
Wed, 02/01/2017
information from Capitol Hill Housing
Capitol Hill Housing (CHH) has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Wells Fargo to support work to build vibrant and engaged communities in partnership with the White Center community.
The grant will help fund community engagement and planning at the site of a former King County public health building that the community is exploring redeveloping into a center of learning, sharing, healthy food and quality homes for working families.
CHH is supporting work led by White Center Community Development Association, White Center Food Bank, Southwest Youth and Family Services and the King County Department of Community and Human Services to identify community priorities for the site.
“We know what our community needs to thrive. Access to good jobs, quality education, healthy food, and homes affordable to working people are what residents care about.” said Sili Savusa, Executive Director of White Center CDA. “With this project we have a unique opportunity to create a hub that would support these elements. It will be a space that the entire White Center community can take pride in.”
The grant is funded through Wells Fargo’s NeighborhoodLIFT program that was launched in July 2016 for Seattle/King County homebuyers with a $5 million commitment to boost local homeownership and revitalize neighborhoods. Wells Fargo is collaborating with national nonprofit NeighborWorks America, and its local network member, HomeSight, to implement the program.
“Wells Fargo have been vital partners in our work,” said CHH CEO Christopher Persons. “Their early support for this partnership in White Center demonstrates their deep commitment to a shared vision of community-led development.”
NeighborhoodLIFT has created almost 100 homeowners in Seattle/King County through homebuyer education plus matching down payment assistance grants up to $7,500.
More than $3.3 million in down payment assistance grants are still available. Interested homebuyers may contact HomeSight or Wells Fargo Home Mortgage in Seattle/King County for information about eligibility requirements.
“Wells Fargo is making these investments to strengthen our communities in King County and improve lives,” said Patrick Yalung, Wells Fargo regional president for Washington. “Capitol Hill Housing is actively leading efforts to help stabilize housing, curb homelessness, and promote health and wellness. We believe this NeighborhoodLIFT grant will make a big impact.”