24 unit efficiency apartment building proposed for 41st SW
This multi family home would be torn down and replaced by a 24 unit efficency apartment building at 4807 41st SW.
Sat, 02/18/2017
A Land Use application has been filed with Seattle DPD for the construction of 24 Small Efficiency Dwelling Units (SEDU) at 4807 41st Ave. SW. That site is currently home to a multi-family house. The owner is Jeff Walker of Square One from Renton. Each unit in the proposed development would be 320 square feet. Based on the site plan no parking on site would be provided.
The City of Seattle describes SEDU as:
Each small efficiency dwelling unit must have a minimum room size of 150 square feet and a full kitchen or kitchenette, and must meet the requirements in Director’s Rule 7-2016, Small Efficiency Dwelling Units.
Generally, congregate residences are only allowed in urban villages and urban centers in these zones:
- Neighborhood Commercial 3 (NC3)
- Midrise multifamily (MR)
- Highrise multifamily (HR)
- Seattle Mixed (SM)
- Commercial (C1)
- Downtown zones
Certain congregate residences, such as college dormitories and state licensed senior housing, are allowed in all zones that allow multi-family development.
Small efficiency dwelling units and congregate residences need to go through Design Review, based on the size of the development:
5,000 – 11,999 square feet: Streamlined Design Review
12,000 – 19,999 square feet: Administrative Design Review
20,000+ square feet: Design Review Board review