Herbold: West Seattle Greenway meetings set for June 17 and 21
Sat, 06/17/2017
information from Councilmember Lisa Herbold
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has released a “most promising route” for the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway. The route they identify goes from 30th Ave SW and SW Roxbury Street to 42nd Ave SW and SW Edmunds Street. It was selected from options released last year. The route reflects the Bicycle Master Plan, which calls for a neighborhood greenway primarily on 34th, 36th and 37th, and public comments.
SDOT will host two drop-in meetings during the coming week:
Saturday, June 17: 10 – 11:30 AM
Uptown Espresso
4301 SW Edmunds St
Wednesday, June 21: 5:30 – 7 PM
Southwest Public Library
9010 35th Ave SW
In addition, an online survey will be available at the project webpage from June 17-July 9. The project contact is Dan Anderson, you can reach him at westseattlegreenway@seattle.gov.
Information about neighborhood greenways is available at the project webpage; here’s a link to information about the Delridge/Highland Park Greenway.