West Seattle Community Calendar Week of 11-6-17
Mon, 11/06/2017
Author Molly Ringle Presents “The Goblins of Bellwater”
Barnes & Noble/ Westwood Village
2600 S.W. Barton St.
Fri., Nov. 3rd, 5 p.m. A lifelong fan of folklore and mythology, Ringle has been writing both contemporary fiction and paranormal fiction for over twenty-five years. Her latest book, The Goblins of Bellwater (Central Avenue Publishing, 2017) has been called “a delightfully creepy paranormal romance set in the rich landscape of the Pacific Northwest . . . a journey to a world that feels both familiar and freaky—a wonderful place to get lost.” This is a free book-talk event by ‘Words, Writers & West Seattle’ of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. For more info contact Dora-Faye Hendricks, Chair, Words, Writers & West Seattle at 206.290.8315 or by e-mail at Dora-Faye@comcast.net.
Books and Bricks Annual Fundraiser
St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church
3050 California Ave. S.W.
Sat., Nov. 4, 5–7 p.m. African dinner and annual fundraiser for scholarships and a new library for Kenya. African market table, childcare provided. RSVP required and Good Will donations accepted for scholarships and new library and to support our mission work in Kenya. For more information visit www.booksandbricks.org or www.sjbwestseattle.org.
Fauntleroy United Church of Christ
9140 California Ave. S.W.
Fri, Nov. 10, 5–8 p.m.; Sat, Nov. 11, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.; Sun, Nov. 12, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The 10th annual Fauntleroy Fine Art & Holiday Gift Show will feature 17 West Seattle and Vashon artists and artistic crafters. Expect to see a wide variety of talent, on display and for purchase in Fellowship Hall, from pottery to paper, paint to fabric.
‘Surviving The Holidays’ Seminar
Grace Church
10323 - 28th Ave. S.W.
Sun., Nov. 12, 2–4 p.m. Dreading the holidays because of the death of a loved one? Grace Church will host a one-time seminar, “Surviving The Holidays.” Everyone is welcome. Contact Barb Stuart at 206.932.7459. Reservations are helpful so we can plan for enough supplies and refreshments. We will meet in the lower level. Enter on south side of church.
WordsWest Literary Series Presents ‘Gathering’
C & P Coffee Co.
5612 California Ave. S.W.
Wed., Nov. 15, 7 p.m. As late autumn gathers its storms and people gather to give thanks, WordsWest Literary Series welcomes poet Sharon Bryan and author Gretchen Schrafft on Nov. 15 for “Gathering,” an evening of wit and investigation, a close look at how we are coming of age at every age. The event will also feature a bake sale, including apple pie, with 100% of the proceeds going to the West Seattle Food Bank. WordsWest Literary Series is grateful for grant funding from Seattle Office of Arts and Culture and Poets & Writers, Inc. that allows us to pay our writers for their time and talent.
Sharon Bryan’s most recent books are Sharp Stars and Flying Blind. She received two NEA awards for her work, and a Governor’s Award and Artist Trust grant from the State of Washington. She is on the faculty of the Lesley low-residency MFA in Creative Writing in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Gretchen Schrafft is a fiction writer, educator, and freelance journalist. Her fiction and reportage have appeared in Carve, Hobart, Joyland, The Rumpus, The Huffington Post, and San Francisco magazine, among other places. She teaches creative writing at Seattle University, and is working on a short story collection and a novel.
Every third Wednesday, 7pm, at C & P Coffee Company, WordsWest hosts literary events that range from readings by published local and national authors, to craft discussions and guided writing explorations for every experience level. Each month a community member from a local, independent business shares his or her favorite poem as part of the Favorite Poem Project. On November 15th, we welcome a favorite poem from representatives of the West Seattle Food Bank.
WordsWest is curated by West Seattle writers Katy E. Ellis, Susan Rich, and Harold Taw, and this season’s intern/co-curator is Joannie Stangeland. Join us on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/WordsWestLiterary
For more information, please contact wordswestliterary@gmail.com or visit http://WordsWestLiterary.com.
White Center Food Bank Charity Auction
White Center Eagles
10452 15th Ave SW
Fri., Nov. 17, doors open at 3 p.m., dinner at 5 p.m. Silent Auction and Exciting LIVE Auction at 7 p.m. with Renowned Auctioneer Fred Granado. Scooter drawing 8 p.m. Live Music and Fun! $15 per person, Reserve a Seat $25 per person All proceeds to Benefit the White Center Food Bank. Call 206.762.6328 to reserve a seat. Let’s beat the $16k raised in 2016!
5th Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar
Peace Lutheran Church
8316 39th Ave. S.W.
Sat., Nov. 18, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. and Sun., Nov. 19, Noon–3 p.m. Handmade arts and crafts, stocking stuffers, silent auction baskets, fair trade/global gifts, and bake sale. Sat. only—free children’s crafts/activities 11 a.m.–3 p.m. and hot lunch available for purchase 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Free admission. www.peacelutheranseattle.org.
Admiral Church
4320 SW Hill Street.
Admiral Congregational United Church of Christ, founded in 1899, is West Seattle’s oldest church. On Sunday, November 19 at 3:00 pm its newly-renovated pipe organ will be dedicated during a concert featuring a guest performance by Dan Miller, an internationally-renowned organist, composer, conductor and recording artist. Mr. Miller will perfom works of Bach, Widor, Copland and Rowley. The audience will also have the pleasure of hearing a selection of Miller’s own compositions. Admiral UCC’s organist Sam Peters, and choir director Pam Gerke will also be part of the program with Sam performing an original composition and Pam directing several choral pieces. The audience will be invited to participate in singing selected hymns, the finale being the “Hallelujah Chorus”. This concert, a major West Seattle musical event, is being offered free of charge and should be a beautiful beginning for the holiday season.
The pipe organ was installed at Admiral Church in 1963, sum of $12,000, an impressive amount in today’s dollars and was indeed a “stretch” for a small church. Following nearly fifty years of continuous use, the church recognized that significant renovation was necessary. The birthday celebration commenced and was spear-headed by then music director and organist Keith Terhune. Members of the congregation eager to see their beloved pipe organ made “young” again organized a grassroots fundraising campaign and within three years were successful in raising $92,000. Following a much research, the decision was made to purchase a new Rodgers electronic organ console, carefully restore the original Balcom and Vaughan pipes and combine (“hybridize”) them. The result is a stunning musical instrument, one of the finest examples of its kind in the Greater Seattle area.
The soaring sanctuary designed by an associate of Frank Lloyd Wright provides a thrilling space to both see and hear the spectacular culmination of many years of the loving work of the congregation.
Community Dining in
the “Junction Diner”
Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Come join us for lunch in the Senior Center of West Seattle’s Junction Diner “Sound Generations.” The Community Dining program at the Senior Center of West Seattle is where those aged 60 and up can enjoy an affordable, nutritious meal with other older adults. Guests enjoy a hot, made-from-scratch meal prepared by our amazing Chef, Francisco Briseno and learn about other fun events and activities. Before joining us, please make a reservation. You may call 206.932.4044 ext. 1 or walk in and sign up. There is no membership fee or commitment required. Lunch is free with a suggested donation of $5 for those aged 60 and older. For those under the age of 60, there is a nominal fee of $10. Have a birthday coming up? Ask about our Monthly Birthday Lunches and other special events!
Active Dad’s Play Group
Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way S.W.
Every Thurs., 10 a.m.–Noon. Join this group of dads, infants and children for socializing and open play at Neighborhood House High Point in West Seattle.Free and open to anyone who wishes to attend.
La Leche League: Free Breastfeeding Support Group
Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way S.W.
Every fourth Mon. 10:30 a.m.–Noon. Join this group of new moms for mother-to-mother support. Free and open to anyone who wishes to attend. For free breastfeeding help or information contact Betsy: 206.932.9912; info@lllwa.org.
Beginner ESL Class
Roxhill Elementary School
30th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues. and Thurs., 12:30 p.m.–2 p.m. Beginner classes. Free childcare is provided. If you or anyone you know of is interested in signing up for class or participating as a volunteer instructor please contact megand@nhwa.org via email or call the Family Center: (206)588-4900 ext. 3010.
Pre-Lit ESL Class
Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way S.W.
Every Mon., 1–2:30 p.m. and Wed., 10–11:30 a.m. Pre-literate classes for individuals who are just starting to learn to speak, read, and write English. If you or anyone you know of is interested in signing up for class or participating as a volunteer instructor please contact megand@nhwa.org via email or call the Family Center: 206.588.4900 ext. 3010.
Enrichment Classes for 0-5 year olds
Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way S.W.
Every Wed., 10 a.m.–Noon.Join this group of parents, caregivers and children ages 0-5 for free enrichment classes On the first and third Wed., we offer art classes for children to experiment with color and materials, with a focus on process and expose to encourage in children a desire to create. Art starts at 10:00. Stay to play. On the second Wed., Nathalie, High Point Children’s Librarian, hosts story time with books and songs. On the fourth Wed., join us for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) themed activities. In March, children will be planting seeds to take home and watch grow.
Job Support
Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way S.W.
Every Tues., 2–4 p.m. Are you looking for a job? Do you need support in enrolling in college or a training program? Work one-on-one with a coach and get help searching for opportunities, filling out applications, creating a cover letter and resume, practicing interview skills and more. You are also welcome to use our computer lab with free use of Wi-Fi, printing, fax, scanning, and copying. You might also be interested in dropping in for Open Lab and Resource Connections Every Wed. and Fri. from 2–4 p.m. to use our computer lab and learn about local resources for low-income individuals and families. Drop-in or call to sign up: 206.588.4900 ext. 3010.
Kiwanis of West Seattle
Weekly Meeting
The Sisson Building/Senior Center
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Every Wed., 6:30–7:30 p.m. Guests Welcome. People dedicated to community service, and we have FUN, too! Sponsor Key Clubs at local High Schools plus many activities to support our community.Established in West Seattle in 1929. Years and years of service to the community. Come check us out! Information: Denis Sapiro, 206.601.4136.
West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network
S.W. Police Precinct
2300 S.W. Webster St.
Every fourth Tues., 6:30 – 8 p.m. Our special guest will be Alex Voorhees from the King County Prosecutor’s office. Serial burglars and auto thefts will be our big topics of discussion. She’ll provide an overview of how their office deals with serial offenders—especially offenders involved in property offenses (burglary, auto theft and prowl and ID theft). Everyone is welcome, even if you aren’t a Block Watch Captain! RSVP is appreciated, but not necessary to attend. You can email us at wsblockwatchnet@gmail.com.
Early Days Parent
Support Group Meetings
Nurturing Expressions
4746 44th Ave. S.W., Suite 201
Every Mon., 10:30 a.m.–Noon (except federal holidays). Early Days uses the MotherWoman format to facilitate an honest discussion of the realities of parenting. Trained facilitators work to create a comfortable environment for folks to share whatever is going on for them, free of judgement or advice. You are not alone! All moms (birth, adoptive, foster) who experience emotional challenges are welcome. Come join a circle of parents that are having similar feelings and challenges! Support people and partners welcome! Suggested donation $10; no one turned away. www.TheEarly Days.org / Facebook: EarlyDays WS / earlydaysws@gmail.com.
District Council Meetings
Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
4408 Delridge Way S.W.
Third Wed., 7–9 p.m. Representatives from neighborhood councils and other community organizations provide reports on what issues and concerns they are working on and announcements about up-coming community meetings and events.
Stay-at-home dads
Hiawatha Playfield Playground
2700 California Ave. S.W.
Every Mon. and Thurs. at 9 a.m. A resource and community for stay-at-home dads, fathers who are primary caregiver in their family, and other involved dads are welcome. All fathers are invited.
Alzheimer Caregiver
Support Group
Providence Mt. St. Vincent,
4831 35th Ave S.W.
Third Thurs. of the month, 1–2:30 p.m. Caring for someone with memory loss? Do you need information and support? Alzheimer’s Association family caregiver support groups provide a consistent and caring place for people to learn, share and gain emotional support from others who are also on a unique journey of providing care to a person with memory loss. For information call Kristine Kumangai at 206.937.3701 ext. 28345.
Volunteer with Food Lifeline to end hunger in Western Washington
Every Mon.–Fri., 8:45 a.m.–Noon and 12:45–5 p.m. 40% of food in America goes to waste. You can help change that by volunteering with Food Lifeline’s Fresh Rescue program. Local grocery stores donate perishable and shelf-stable products, including produce, dairy, meat and bakery items. Volunteers work alongside a trained staff to inspect and pack grocery donations for immediate distribution to 275 local food assistance programs. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please email our volunteer team at volunteer@foodlifeline.org or visit www.foodlifeline.volunteerhub.com.
Daystar Toastmasters
Daystar Retirement Village
2615 SW Barton
Sat., Sept. 2. 10–11 a.m. Come as a guest on to experience the safe, supportive atmosphere in which you can grow your communication and leadership skills. Improve your ability to think-on-your-feet and become more comfortable speaking to groups. Arrive 5 to 10 minutes early for orientation. For more information see daystarclub.toastmastersclubs.org. or call Bill at 206.932.6706.
West Seattle
TOPS Meeting
Providence Mount St. Vincent
4831 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues. evening, 5:30–7p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us at our “Take Off Pounds Sensibly” weekly meeting, an encouraging weight loss support group. Weigh-in 5:30–6 p.m., Meeting 6–7 p.m. Our group encourages healthy living and loss of pounds, with accountability via our weekly weigh-ins. Informative programs, challenges, awards, encouragement and lots of FUN! TOPS is an extremely affordable program. Convenient and free parking. For more information contact: Linda at 206.932.3021 or Jane at 206.938.4439.
West Seattle Lion’s Club Events
Senior Center of West Seattle
2nd floor
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m. for lunch and speaker unless otherwise noted. Call Harvey Rowe at 206.762.1221 for reservations by prior Tues. evening. Lunch $7.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Guadalupe Church
Pastoral Care Center
7000 35th Ave. S.W.
Every Tues., 9:30 a.m. TOPS is an encouraging weight loss support group with weigh-ins every Tuesday. For info: 206.932.2621.
Overeaters Anonymous Meetings
Peace Lutheran Church
8316 39th Ave. S.W.
Every Thurs. evening, 7–8:15 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of women and men who meet to help solve compulsive overeating (obesity, anorexia and bulimia). The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA is a non-profit international organization patterned after the Twelve-Step Alcoholics Anonymous program. All are welcome. For more info 206.979.6665 or www.seattleoa.org.
AARP Defensive Driving Workshop
Daystar Retirement Village
2615 S.W. Barton St.
First Sat. of every month, ongoing, 9–5:30 p.m. $15 for members, $20 non-members. Call 206.937.6122 for info or to RSVP.
Business Network with Westside Professionals
Alki Masonic Hall
4736 40th Ave. S.W.
Every Wed., 8–9:30 a.m. Build your business through referrals and networking. For info, contact sfelix@quidnunc.net.
Join the West Seattle Lion’s Club Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 S.W. Oregon St.
Meets every Thurs., Noon–1:30 p.m.
Irish Dance Lessons
West Seattle VFW Hall
3601 S.W. Alaska St.
Every Mon. and Tues. in the late afternoon and early evenings. Open to children and adults. Information at 206.851.2102.