More apartments, no more parking in West Seattle
Thu, 05/31/2018
Yet another apartment building is being proposed for the area, potentially increasing frustration for those already fed up with parking in West Seattle.
A design proposal submitted to the city describes plans for a new apartment building consisting of 23 small efficiency dwelling units and four 2-bedroom apartments. The building will replace the existing duplex and detached garage at 4826 40th Avenue SW. According to the proposal, “parking is not required at this site and none will be constructed.” That means up to 31 individuals could be vying for parking in the already congested area, though the plan does call for a generous 0.75 bicycle parking storage spots per dwelling.
The proposed development will have four levels; three stories over a daylight basement. In addition to the 27 units and bicycle parking, the apartment will provide laundry facilities and an amenity area. Some of the units will have balconies.
The building will sit between 40th street to the West and an alley to the East.
The existing residence and garage will be demolished in order to make room for the new building.
Because the project is over 12,000 gross square feet, it must go through the Seattle’s Administrative Design Review. The review considers several factors, including the appearance of the building, the relation to adjacent sites and streets, relation to surrounding views and slopes, pedestrian and vehicle access to the site, and the quality of materials, open space and landscaping.
Comment on the proposal and parking in West Seattle
The Administrative Design Review process provides an opportunity for public comment and involvement on the proposed project before the design can be approved. If you are concerned about the development's impact on the area, particularly parking in West Seattle, you need to act soon. The public comment period for this project ends June 13th. Comments can be directed to the city’s planner for this project, Sean Conrad (
.75 bike parking spots per…
.75 bike parking spots per unit is what's required under the old land use code. The new land use code requires 1.0 bike parking spots per unit. This is not a matter of generosity.
Maybe there will be a slab of cement to park a skate board or a moped