35th SW from 102nd SW to 104th SW will be closed from Aug. 1 through 3 to let crews pour and cure concrete as part of improvements called for under the Safe Routes to School program.
The Arbor Heights Safe Routes to School project is making progress on storm drain installation, and this week teams pour concrete for sidewalks, curbs, and driveways. To complete the work, and allow 24 hours for the concrete to cure, 35th Ave SW must be closed to through-traffic.
What you can expect.
Wednesday, August 1 to Friday, August 3 | 7 AM – 4 PM daily
35th Ave SW will be closed to through-traffic during work hours, each day.
Through-traffic will be routed to 26th Ave SW as well as Marine View Dr SW. NB traffic will detour at SW 104th St; SB traffic will be redirected at SW Roxbury St and also SW 100th St.
Crews will work to maintain on-street parking on the east side of the street and/or nearby side streets during active construction. Outside of work hours, 35th Ave SW reopens to traffic.
The project time has already been extended two weeks for this stretch, and is nowhere near completion. SDOT is playing fast and loose with the facts. A summer concrete shortage is being cited as the reason, which seems disingenuous; ever heard of a contract?? I find it hard to believe that a project of this magnitude would not have a guarantee from a contractor. Who is paying for these overruns? This is especially hard on those who live at staging corners. where workers arrive at 5:45 am, start work at 6 am, and excavators are still operating past 9 pm.