This message is about the trash on Harbor Ave. Please read the following note that I am considering giving to each motor home "camper" on the Ave:
Dear Neighbor,
As you know, My wife and I live on Harbor Ave. This morning, I decided to do what I should have done weeks ago. With this being my day off, I spent most of my morning cleaning up the trash along Harbor Ave. To be more specific, this was the accumulation of trash in the vicinity of the motor homes along the avenue. Would you believe that this required 3 trips with my Dodge minivan to accomplish this task with one trip to the King County Transfer Station, a.k.a. the dump?
Now, since you and I are neighbors, may I ask of you a favor? Since I don't know who is specifically responsible for this very unsightly and unhealthy mess along the Avenue, could you do your part in being sure that this doesn't happen again and encourage your nearby campers to pitch in and do the same thing?
As for my time and money spent on this mornings project, I am always happy to lend a hand where it is needed. However, should an 84-year-old retiree who went back to work be taking on the responsibilities of his (probably) more healthy and younger neighbors?
Thanks for reading this and thank you for your assistance in keeping our neighborhood clean.
Dave Gehring