Inflormation from Sound Transit
Starting as early as Monday, August 19, Sound Transit plans to conduct a geotechnical boring for soil analysis in the alleyway between West SeattleBridge and 32nd Ave SW (see map for exact location). This location may shift slightly depending on the placement of underground utilities. Sound Transit is in the planning phase for the West Seattle Link Extension project. This work, along with other investigations throughout the project corridor, is necessary to plan and design possible light rail alignments to be studied in the environmental review process.
Geotechnical work also coming to SW Genesee St.
Starting as early as Thursday, August 22, Sound Transit plans to conduct a geotechnical boringfor soil analysis in the alleyway between West Seattle Bridge and SW Genesee St (see map for exact location). This location may shift slightly depending on the placement of underground utilities. Sound Transit is in the planning phase for the West Seattle Link Extension project. This work, along with other investigations throughout the project corridor, is necessary to plan and design possible light rail alignments to be studied in the environmental review process
32nd Street SW
• Work on 32nd Street SW is expected to begin as early as Monday, August 19, and be complete by Wednesday, August 28.
• Activities are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
• Crews will work within the designated work area.
• No parking signs will be placed on southbound parking lanes on 32nd Ave SW and near the alleyway between West Seattle Bridge and 32nd Ave SW at least 72-hours before the start of work. No parking signs are enforceable during the dates and times listed on them.
• Roadways and driveways will remain open.
• Due to inclement weather or unforeseen issues, dates and times are subject to change.
• Drilling equipment will sound like a truck engine running, with occasional hammering.
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Genesee Street
• Work on Genesee Street SW is expected to begin as early as Thursday, August 22, and be complete by Wednesday, August 28.
• Activities are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
• Crews will work within the designated work area.
• No parking signs will be placed on eastbound parking lanes on SW Genesee St and near the boring
location at least 72-hours before the start of work. No parking signs are enforceable during the dates
and times listed on them.
• Roadways and driveways will remain open.
• Due to inclement weather or unforeseen issues, dates and times are subject to change.
• Drilling equipment will sound like a truck engine running, with occasional hammering.
Geotechnical drilling
To study soil and groundwater conditions, a drill rig is used to bore vertically into the ground while collecting soil samples. Following the collection of soil samples, a monitoring device is installed which will be used by crews to monitor water levels on future visits. Water level readings will be taken every few months as the design phase progresses.
In accordance with all local regulations, the 4- to12- inch diameter borings will be installed carefully to avoid soil erosion and dirt or mud from leaking into surface waters, wetlands, and drainage systems.