

Tue, 12/06/05

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council decided last week to formally recommend that voters approve annexation to Burien -- two days after the Burien Planning Commission yanked away the welcome mat.

Nine members of the North…MORE

Tue, 12/06/05

Months after the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation decided to implement the Loyal Heights Playfield Improvement project, which will add synthetic turf in place of natural grass and additional lighting, some Ballard residents have…MORE

Tue, 12/06/05

Late last September, after sending out mailers and doorbelling, Burien City Council candidate Rose Clark thought she had all the issues down.

But, the newly elected councilwoman observed recently, she was wrong.

“Annexation of North…MORE


Tue, 12/06/05

At least 14 development projects with a total value approaching a quarter of $1 billion are in process in a 100 acre area around downtown Ballard. When these projects are finished, there will be at least 1500 new residential units, more than 1000…MORE

Tue, 12/06/05

Seattle City Councilman Richard Conlin will lead the Council as president for the two year term, 2006 to 2007.

Conlin, who chaired the Council's Transportation Committee for the past four years, has four priorities for his term as…MORE

Tue, 12/06/05

As the state's economy grows stronger and more people are finding work, many community colleges are experiencing lower enrollment, according to the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, but expansions of departments at…MORE

Tue, 12/06/05

While the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council was recommending joining Burien, and the Burien Planning Commission was saying no, attendees of a community forum on annexation expressed interest in joining Seattle.

Saturday's forum at…MORE

Mon, 12/05/05

At approximately 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 4, a woman notified police that a man raped her at gunpoint in his vehicle near the 28800 block of Military Road in Federal Way.

The woman, in her twenties, claimed her assailant-a man she did…MORE

Mon, 12/05/05

Shortly after five A.M. on November 17, the Federal Way Police received a 9-1-1 call from a woman at 30602 Pacific Highway South. The women said she had just managed to escape from being held hostage by an armed man in a nearby apartment and…MORE

Wed, 11/30/05

If the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council was hoping for guidance from the public, it didn't get much at the "listening session" the council held last week at Evergreen High School.

Public testimony at the meeting showed there are…MORE

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