
Fri, 11/04/05

A new four-story house under construction on Beach Drive has a nearby property owner upset about losing part of the view of Puget Sound because he contends the new structure is taller than what the zoning allows.

The site in the 4200…MORE

Fri, 11/04/05

People have been wondering what's to become of the Southgate Skating Rink.

The 85-year-old White Center landmark closed in midsummer after a suspicious fire in a storage lot next door scorched the south wall of the building.


Fri, 11/04/05

John Haley has a been a leader for several major transportation agencies around the nation, but he says this is the first place he's been where people talk a good fight for transit, but refuse to do anything to support it and then "cherrypick"…MORE

Wed, 11/02/05

Steve Clark

A group formed to spotlight neighborhood crime in Ballard's north end got off to a stunning start last week. Greenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors or GAIN held their first public forum on Wednesday, October 26, in a standing room…MORE

Wed, 11/02/05

Dean Wong

Five new granite stones with etchings representing Scandinavian countries were installed last week in Bergen Place, thanks to a group of volunteers dedicated to giving the park more of a Nordic theme.

Friends of Bergen…MORE

Wed, 11/02/05

Steve Clark

If the Ballard Locks continues to operate the way they are now, they will run out of money in June. So that doesn't happen, Army Corps of Engineers staff will have to make changes in how the almost 90 year old landmark operates…MORE

Wed, 10/26/05

Representatives of neighborhoods throughout West Seattle met at Chief Sealth High School recently to discuss what they love about their community as well as what ails it.

Participants said they love the fact that people of many races and…MORE

Wed, 10/26/05

Steve Clark

The gypsy moth, a voracious tree predator, has been found in several parts of Crown Hill by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The Agriculture Department, which has waged an almost 30 year war to eradicate the moth…MORE

Wed, 10/26/05

She had to run an astonishing 40 seconds faster than ever before on the 3.1-mile Lower Woodland course, but West Seattle High School senior Stephanie Honan found the reserves to cling to 31st place in the Metro League Championship cross country…MORE

Wed, 10/26/05

Dean Wong

Last year there was a shortage of flu vaccine and many people went without the protection. This year there's enough of the medicine to go around with several locations in Ballard for people to get their shots.

In 2004, one…MORE

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