
Tue, 09/09/08

Based on some media coverage of the Democratic National Convention two weeks ago, some people might have had the impression the most important story was the "angry" Clinton supporters who were not planning to back Obama. But we know from first-…MORE

Tue, 09/02/08

November's Sound Transit proposal to expand express bus service, enhance commuter rail, and add 36 miles of light rail will have enormous benefits for West Seattle and the entire three-county region.

The 15-year plan - known as Mass…MORE

Tue, 09/02/08

November's Sound Transit proposal to expand express bus service, enhance commuter rail, and add 36 miles of light rail will have enormous benefits for West Seattle and the entire three-county region.

The 15-year plan - known as Mass…MORE

Tue, 09/02/08

We often hear people say they have written, called or stopped by a local public official's office only to feel rejected or ignored. People will write an e-mail expressing dismay, anger, support or questions for a project, proposal or new rule or…MORE

Mon, 08/25/08

Exactly what did we learn from the recent state primary election, actually the second one this year? The first one was ostensively for president, which was ignored mostly by the political parties. Yes, it was early but that turned out to not mean…MORE

Tue, 08/19/08

The other day a caller said this writer ought to "go back to where you came from" because we dared oppose the 20-cent tax on plastic and paper grocery bags. The caller said it was obvious we were just another supporter of out-of-control business…MORE

Mon, 08/18/08

A better way than a city 20-cent bag fee

By Jan Gee

As customers passed through the checkout stands of many of our independent grocery stores, the owners and employees asked their customers, "Did you know that the Seattle City…MORE

Mon, 08/18/08

A better way than a city 20-cent bag fee

By Jan Gee

As customers passed through the checkout stands of many of our independent grocery stores, the owners and employees asked their customers, "Did you know that the Seattle City…MORE

Mon, 08/18/08

A better way than a city 20-cent bag fee

By Jan Gee

As customers passed through the checkout stands of many of our independent grocery stores, the owners and employees asked their customers, "Did you know that the Seattle City…MORE

Mon, 08/18/08

A better way than a city 20-cent bag fee

By Jan Gee

As customers passed through the checkout stands of many of our independent grocery stores, the owners and employees asked their customers, "Did you know that the Seattle City…MORE

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