
Mon, 11/02/15

By Marjorie Young

It was recently my pleasure to visit the McClure Middle School in Queen Anne to speak about my fantasy/adventure series, ‘The Boy with Golden Eyes.’ As participation was strictly voluntary, I was gladdened to find about…MORE

Mon, 11/02/15

By Amanda Knox

Dressing up for Halloween answers the question: if you could be anyone or anything on a merry, frivolous, un-normal night, what would you be? A steampunk pirate? Your favorite cartoon character? One of Robin Hood’s men-in-…MORE

Mon, 10/26/15

By Amanda Knox

Of course, there are other ways than blanking out and bracing oneself to get through a moment of melancholy.

Music has always been a go to. In the first place, I find solace in a song that sympathizes and…MORE

Mon, 10/19/15

By Amanda Knox

Sometimes there is melancholy. Explicable or inexplicable, there just is. There’s no shame in it, though to bear melancholy is to feel uncomfortable, awkward, pained, disquieted, humbled. At least this is how I feel, also…MORE

Mon, 10/19/15

The issue of what to do with the homeless in Seattle is a fundamental problem that dates back to well before the 1930s. It’s been with us longer than black berry thickets. Incidentally, the City’s solution has not changed much over the last 80…MORE

Mon, 10/12/15

By Amanda Knox

Weeks in advance Gregg broke out his mischievous, knowing grin. Based on past years, he anticipated first light-hearted procrastination, then a few frantic days of selecting, boxing, loading, unloading, unboxing, displaying……MORE

Mon, 10/05/15

By Amanda Knox

It turns out that I’m a sprinter. That is, as opposed to...what? A runner? Let me explain.

I survived the half-marathon! And I was surprised to discover something about myself that makes total sense now that I’ve…MORE

Wed, 09/30/15

By Marjorie Young

One thing I find difficult to fathom is the yearning for ‘fame.’ Of course, many crave it with a passion, as if ‘being famous’ was an end in itself. As for me, the image of celebrities, pursued by wild mobs of admirers…MORE

Mon, 09/28/15

By Amanda Knox

I’m not ready.

Sure, I’ve trained. I did a pretty good job too, the first four of eight weeks. I ran three days a week, two short days and one long day, each week adding another half mile to the short days and a mile…MORE

Mon, 09/21/15

By Amanda Knox

There’s the dutiful packing away of white pants and sundresses. The last escape to the lake to shiver around the last campfire, even as the damp creeps. Traditions from across the globe ask that we tend the graves of our…MORE

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