August 2005

Stealing for morning fix


Yesterday the Pea Eye did not come and I was forced to raid neighbor Margaret's Seattle Times box.

I cannot eat breakfast unless I have my morning news and cartoon fix while munching my ration of Cheerios and sliced banana and a sprinkle of raspberries from the garden.

I was deep into Hagar the Horrible when the phone rang. I knew it was Margaret because she is aware of my addiction.

"Jerry? Do you have my paper again?"

"Yes, Margaret," I said. "My Pea Eye did not come. I looked in the bushes, too.


Live every day as though it could be last

Special to the Times/News

We never know when that really "right one" will come along; the person that captures our heart, stirs our soul and helps us reach for the stars of life.

I met mine at a gas station, then Stockdale and Butler Auto Repair in Des Moines.

Gordy Byers stood about 5 feet, 10 inches tall with broad shoulders and a heart big enough for both of us, and my children, too. He was a giant among men for integrity and loved by many.

My eyes caught sight of him about the same time his did of me.


Port caught by surprise

The Port Commission seems to have been caught by surprise by the intended move of Southwest and possibly other airlines to Boeing Field.

The Port bond evaluation and state audit show 71 percent of the port business relates to the airport. Why doesn't the commission meet at the airport 71 percent of the time?

When Jim Bartlemay and I ran for Port Commission eight years ago, the Port's engineering firm placed airport improvement costs at $6 billion.


Sports Briefs

Heavy hitters coming

On Saturday, July 30th, the country's best softball hitters are coming to Seattle as the 2005 WSL HR Tour invades Safeco Field. The WSL's Long Haul Bombers Softball Home Run Team will host a home run derby exhibition at 12:30 p.m., prior to the Mariners game vs. the Cleveland Indians. The Long Haul Bombers will hit softball after softball out of Safeco Field.

Seattle will mark the 14th stop on the 15-city 2005 WSL Stadium Power Tour.


Kids and adults will read good books abour our own history


For a free, self-governing people something more than a vague familiarity with history is essential, if we are to hold on to and sustain our freedom.

David McCullough

Not long ago, I promised readers a Times/News quiz on American history. It remains a work in progress.

In the meantime, political columnist David Broder has noted the testimony of Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David McCullough before a Senate committee.

The focus of this inquiry was "U.S. History: Our Worst Subject?"


Sports Briefs

Heavy hitters coming

On Saturday, July 30th, the country's best softball hitters are coming to Seattle as the 2005 WSL HR Tour invades Safeco Field. The WSL's Long Haul Bombers Softball Home Run Team will host a home run derby exhibition at 12:30 p.m., prior to the Mariners game vs. the Cleveland Indians. The Long Haul Bombers will hit softball after softball out of Safeco Field.

Seattle will mark the 14th stop on the 15-city 2005 WSL Stadium Power Tour.
