October 2005

Ballard's other fishermen's terminal

Steve Clark

If fishing is a vital part of Ballard's identity, then Interbay is an extension of Ballard. The tract of land that runs from the southern end of the Ballard Bridge, between Magnolia and Queen Anne, ends at Terminal 91 and Elliot Bay. There, the fishing boats and the bustle around them defy the impression of an industry in decline.

Ships, some almost three hundred feet long, are tied along two piers, manned by skeleton crews unloading, cleaning and stacking, getting ships ready for the next season.



A load of cargo is hoisted off of a catcher processor at Terminal 91 on October 13. Many of these ships' marine-specific supply needs are met by firms in Ballard.


Prevention key for flu season

Dean Wong

Last year there was a shortage of flu vaccine and many people went without the protection. This year there's enough of the medicine to go around with several locations in Ballard for people to get their shots.

In 2004, one of the main manufacturers of the flu vaccine had a large plant out of operation. To add to the problem, the vaccine did not cover one of the dominant flu strains.

"The shortage of vaccine and concerns about inadequate coverage against the dominant flu strain led to a very challenging year," said Dr.


Whittier Heights illegal immigrants

Steve Clark

The gypsy moth, a voracious tree predator, has been found in several parts of Crown Hill by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The Agriculture Department, which has waged an almost 30 year war to eradicate the moth, was concerned enough to hold an open house on Thursday night, at Whittier Elementary School.

The insect has wrecked havoc on trees in the Northeastern United States since its introduction. It is not native to the United States and variations come from Europe and Asia.


Pooch parade is set in Burien

Even the family pooch can strut his or her ghoulish stuff in the Second Annual Boneyard Parade & Dog Costume Contest as part of Boo! in Burien on Saturday, Oct. 29.

The dog parade and costume contest begins at 2 p.m. at Sixth Avenue Southwest and Southwest 152nd Street.

Dogs and their humans may register at that location starting at 1 p.m. for a $5 fee. Each contestant will receive a pet goodie bag.

Among the prizes for best dog costumes are doggie daycare packages, pet gift cards and grooming.


Endorsements listed by Rose Clark

Burien City Council candidate Rose Clark announced last week that she has received more endorsements, including the King County Police Officers Guild.

Clark is running against Councilman Stephen Lamphear for council Position 5.

Members of the Police Officers Guild stated they "were impressed with her views and positions on public safety issues."

Clark led a successful effort to reduce crime in Burien apartment complexes.

She has also been endorsed by the Sierra Club, The Women's Political Caucus and The Madrona Institute.

The Sierra Club s
