December 2005

Keep season’s traditions

I have served my country in the United States Army and the United States Air Force for 20 years and 10 years reserve.

Christmas is a tradition that we have always enjoyed, yet this freedom of expression is being gently taken away from us by attacking the existence of our Christmas tree.

A friendly battle, in the spirit of Christmas needs, to be waged and won in such a manner as to not end up with hostile feelings either for or against Christmas.

Being only one lone, old soldier, I cannot conceive winning such a gigantic battle with great odds unless I fire the


Council favors Burien

The North Highline Unincorporated Area Council decided last week to formally recommend that voters approve annexation to Burien -- two days after the Burien Planning Commission yanked away the welcome mat.

Nine members of the North Highline Council voted to recommend a municipal marriage with Burien. Two other council members voted against Burien and one abstained.

When a city annexes another community, first it designates the community as a "potential annexation area." However the Burien Planning Commission voted 6-1 on Nov.


Burien board oppses annexation

The Burien Planning Commission voted 6-1 Nov. 29 to recommend the Burien City Council not designate North Highline as a "potential annexation area."

"I do not believe Burien is ready," said Planning Commissioner Barbara Williams.

The Planning Commission is an advisory panel to the Burien City Council. The City Council can ignore or accept the advice of the Planning Commission.

Burien already has enough other projects on its plate, Williams said.


Burien services diminish without annexation?

North Highline annexation will cost Burien taxpayers more money to maintain the current level of city services regardless of whether the area is annexed by Burien or Seattle, city staffers said last week.

The Burien City Council is considering establishing a Potential Annexation Area (PAA) to its Comprehensive Plan amendment docket that will cover the North Highline unincorporated area.

This area includes the neighborhoods of White Center, Boulevard Park, Top Hat, Beverly Park, Salmon Creek and a small portion of South Park.

If a PAA is established at the counc


'Your husband is lost'

Shopping with Elsbeth is always an adventure.We were in Safeway buying groceries. I am too impatient to hang around while she examines the dates on milk cartons or reads the ingredient list on a cereal box to make sure it has some minute amount of riboflavin. So I wandered off to sample some red grapes that are always sold in big packages that shrivel up in the back of the refrigerator where they get hidden by the bottles of apple juice she got on sale. I would never open a sealed cello bag of grapes but if someone else has already done it and you can see a lot of grapes are missing . . .


Break tradition and dress up

Shuffle into the school building. See jeans. Jaunt to the nearest coffee shop. See jeans. Prance through the doors of Benaroya Hall. See jeans. Bored yet?

It seems to me that Seattleites foster an innate fear of the tuxedo and leather dress shoe. Perhaps we all find comfort in the cling of our jeans and t-shirts - the wonderful simplicity of fresh-from-the-floor clothing.
