March 2006

In developer's pocket

Your lead article on March 22, "Nickels clings firmly to tunnel," was funny in so many ways.

"The mayor thinks there ought to be a public vote on the project" (and on the Key Arena), does he? So we can vote "no" and get it anyway? Maybe we'll have to vote "no" over and over and over until we all get fed up with how badly the project has been run, vote "yes," and the mayor finally gets the answer he wants. Great idea. Let's vote on it.

Then he says a rebuilt viaduct would be delayed because of "court action ... based on the claim a new viaduct would be ugly." Oh.


Treat kids with

kindness, respect

Ms. Schilperoort did not accurately portray the issue of discipline by failing to distinguish between "time-out" and "recess detention." Time-out is a widely understood term and is of short duration. It is appropriately used in families and schools.

Recess detention at Schmitz Park Elementary is assigned by teachers for misbehaviors like talking in class or failing to turn in homework. It consists of three recesses totaling 55 minutes.

Find Schurman's artwork

Could your readers help find Clark Schurman's artwork? Camp Long wants to showcase it at the 65th anniversary next month.

He was the first director (of Camp Long) and much work was sold at auction after his death, so people may have it on their walls or in storage.

If you can help, please call Camp Long at 684-7415 or Nancy Swigger at 326-9004.

Nancy Swigger


Why the tunnel?

On Saturday, March 18, I headed off to tour the viaduct and listen to the various organizations tell us what was happening or going to happen to the existing viaduct and new tunnel. Many of the attendees shared my cost concern: Where are we going to find the money to pay for it and does that mean that the current streets and bridges are going to continue to deteriorate?

What's with Sylvan Way?

I am concerned about the continuing closure of Sylvan Way Southwest. This is a major arterial in West Seattle, with no adequate alternative routes. It has been closed for four weeks. I originally saw a sign that I thought indicated that the road was washed out. Now I find out that a developer has been installing utilities, requiring that the road be closed through April.

I don't know what the permit fees are for this type of roadwork, but I doubt it is anything close to the economic loss to the public from the closure of the roadway.

The call of the oysters - 17th Oyster Olympics

Whether oysters make you salivate or gag, laugh, smile or get amorous, all you have to do is attend the Anthony's Oyster Olympics once to know that oysters are just good, clean fun. Indeed, they have to be. And from the oyster's natural need to be clean has grown a dependence on clean water. That's where the Puget Soundkeeper Alliance comes in.

The 17th annual Oyster Olympics, hosted Anthony's Homeport restaurant on Shilshole Bay on March 21st, raised $39,000 for Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, and $440,000 since the event was first held in 1990.


Molnes' fund benefit

This year's Blakely Rock Regatta on April 1, organized by the Sloop Tavern Yacht Club will benefit the Steve Molnes Helping Hand Fund at Ballard High School.

Now in its 25th year, the regatta raises money for local causes. Projects like the Ballard High School library book drive and groups like the Ballard Food Bank have received the proceeds from the race in the past. Proceeds have totaled up to $8,000 from previous races.

As a teacher, Molnes went out of his way to help his special education students.
