April 2006

Teaching Qur'an helps understand Muslims

I have been teaching the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, in West Seattle at our church, over the past three years. It's a four week class wherein a schedule is provided to help the students read straight through the entire Qur'an in a brief time.

Ever since September 11, 2001, people have wondered if the Qur'an teaches Muslims to kill people they disagree with. This is because the leader of those 9/11 terrorists, Mohamed Atta, included in his directions to the other 18 terrorists, some 20 quotes from the Qur'an to inspire their dastardly deeds.


Value of Toastmasters

They say that the only thing that people fear more than death is public speaking - which means most people would rather die than give a eulogy. But for some of us, public speaking is an ongoing, enjoyable and very personal challenge. Both the people and the environment contribute to our experience.

For more than 50 years, West Seattle Earlybirds Toastmasters have met to give speeches on a weekly basis. Some of our members, like Vic Groening and Bob Confer, have done this for most of those 50 years. Others, like Larry Puffert, have attended regularly for nearly two decades.


Being 'loony' didn't work

Letter writer Randy Leskovar last week complained long and loud about HB2661, which added sexual orientation to existing civil rights legislation.

The thrust of his rant was directed at the section that added "gender expression and identity" - meaning that transvestites cannot be discriminated against. To drive home his point, he used as an example Corporal Klinger from MASH who dressed like a woman to prove he was "loony" and thus be discharged from the Army.

Send them back

Those illegal immigrants: just who do they think they are? They sneak over the boarder illegally and then try to tell us what to do. I, never in all my life, have heard of such a thing. Bold, greedy, belligerent, self-sucking, from free health-care, so-called low-income housing, and all the other free goodies they can get; and at our expense.

Check out the church parking lots on Sundays you won't see any Junkers, just big fancy cars, vans, and SUV's.


Firing coaches not enough

It is not enough. Firing coaches of the Sealth girl's basketball team for bringing in gifted athletes from outside of Sealth's geographical area is not sufficient punishment for the egregious actions of these coaches and their players.

They created an all-star team that crushed opponents by wide margins - they beat West Seattle High School something like 80-0. What enjoyment or pride could anyone take from lopsided games?

What sportsmanship was being taught to the Sealth girls who participated in these lopsided conquests of overmatched, but legal, teams?


High stakes in election to add Des Moines police

Thirty cents a day buys one-lone cigarette, maybe a candy bar, makes a down payment on a glass of beer -- or restores six police officers, three community service officers and one record specialist to the Des Moines Police Department.

Revenue from the proposed property tax levy lid lift, which will be on the May 16 special election ballot, would go into a special Police Department fund that could not be applied to any other use.

It’s a resourceful idea long overdue.

Des Moines Police Chief Roger Baker said recently, “Answers to three major questions


Immigration legislation must take rational road

Let’s talk sense about immigration.

The Highline students, who marched to protest proposed draconian immigrant legislation, were not brainwashed into it by Socialists or some obscure radical group called A.N.S.W.E.R.

They were no more influenced than the young college students who marched against the Vietnam War in the 1960s were swayed by old guard octogenarian Communists.

Commies also didn’t take over the entertainment industry as charged by Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s. Courageous journalists like my fellow WSU alum, Edward R.
