July 2006

Council focusing negative attention

A front page article in the July 19, 2006 West Seattle Herald presented arguments by Alki Community Council officers who claim that a liquor license at Slices would allow it to become a beer garden. Why would that rationale apply only to Slices and not all of the other restaurants that have outdoor seating directly on the sidewalks? Those tables are next to the fences, unlike those at Slices.


Great step forward

Congratulations and thank you to the West Seattle Junction Merchant's Association for the wise and compassionate decision to have an "Animal Education Center" at this year's festival, instead of the cruel and outdated pony rides and petting zoos of years past.

Thank you also to Next to Nature for sponsoring this event and including Seattle Humane Society, Friends of the Animals and Homeward Pet Adoption Center. Our children were able to learn about animals and how to treat and respect them (instead of inhumanely exploiting them for human entertainment).


A joke in this state

This state has given children at the age of 13 the ability to make choices for themselves that they are not mature enough to make. But yet under this law, the child can make the choice without the parent, but they can hold the parent responsible for the actions of this same mature person? I think not.

If this state says they are able to make decisions at 13 years of age, then they are responsible enough to drive, drink, do drugs, have children, and have a job. And the parents should not be held responsible for any of their choices anymore.


Crime still a big problem

The mayor still has tunnel vision, let the Sonics go. The new fixes (to Key Arena) aren't even paid for. We don't need more big fixes - stop letting them use the tax money.

Think about it, we need more police in West Seattle. We only have one police car for this area yet look how many cars are parked at the precinct.

Yes Delridge Way has some nicer buildings, new parks we didn't need. Yes, all nice but Mr. Mayor, you didn't take away the drugs, dealers or the ladies of the night. You can't walk on our streets at night. They mug anyone. They stab and shoot guns.

Movie was gone

I feel fortunate to live in an area that has access to three good community newspapers, Highline (Times), White Center (News) and West Seattle (Herald).

I enjoy Bruce Bulloch's movie reviews. After reading an excellent review on the movie "United 93." I found out that the film was no longer at "The Admiral." I know I'm not the only one who wanted to see this film (it got excellent reviews in another paper) what happened? Didn't anyone show up to see it? I find this hard to believe.

Thank you giving me a place to vent...

Shot at on bus

Before we leave the taken-for-granted safety of our homes each day, we should think about the image we are projecting to the world and also what we are doing that might be observed in a negative way by someone who has a different view than we do.

In the case of the mother and daughter shot recently, I'm afraid someone made a horrible mistake. Were they trying to rid the world of lesbians in their stupid way of thinking?

Keep sidewalks clear

As someone that walks a lot, I would like to ask residents to do their civic duty and keep sidewalks clear of vegetation and debris (and cars) as well as trimming trees and shrubs away from the sidewalk and up to eight feet above.

Owners are also required to repair sidewalks with bulges or other problems. This is per Seattle Municipal Code Section 15.72.010.

It is sometimes difficult to walk in some areas and an overhanging branch once caused me a trip to the emergency room for a scratched cornea. It must be even more difficult for those in wheelchairs.
