October 2007

Approve Referendum 67

I'm tired of corporate ads saying that if Referendum 67 is passed, all our health care premiums will skyrocket. At present there are no consequences for insurance companies who break the rules by denying or delaying legitimate claims. Referendum 67 will put consequences in place to protect the consumer. It will discourage the companies from deliberately delaying and denying for no reason other than to increase profits.

As insurance consumers we follow the rules or face the consequences. We must pay our health care premiums on time.

Sundquist's questionable endorsements

While trying to decide on what candidate to endorse for the school board position for the West Seattle Delridge area, I noticed something very disturbing.

The website of Seattle School Board candidate Steve Sundquist lists several organizations that have not endorsed Sundquist's campaign under the heading "Steve's Endorsements Include." In doing so, Sundquist falsely implies that he has the support of organizations that in reality have not endorsed anyone in his race.

These organizations include the Municipal League of King County and Seattle Metropolitan Elections commit

Sundquist has leadership skills

Steve Sundquist, candidate for the Seattle School board speaks in terms of governance, transparency and fiscal management, words that may sound a bit dry in the context of something as emotional as school board leadership, but are vital to bringing high quality education to all children.

Good governance means that parents looking to advocate for their children know who makes the decisions that impact their kids - so they don't spin their wheels trying to effect change, only to find out the people they are dealing with don't have the authority or are not accountable.


Sundquist has experience

For 15 years, as a parent and as a public education advocate, I have seen many Seattle School Board members come and go. Some were very good, others were mediocre and others were earnest but not effective. What distinguish the good ones from the rest are their leadership skills. Knowledge of the Seattle School District and its students is not enough to be an effective board member.

Vision for CEM Property

I am a landscape architect and West Seattle resident. I recently saw a presentation of the sound legacy partners' vision for the CEM property.

I am writing to share my excitement for a sustainable mixed-use project for that location in West Seattle. The site is currently an environmental liability and it really creates a dead spot along Harbor Avenue in terms of pedestrian interest and amenities.


Use potential of property

I e-mailed Tay Yoshitani to ask the Port of Seattle to work with the West Seattle community and Sound Legacy Partners to realize the potential of the CEM site and to allow the Water Taxi to move to the Jack Block site.

This is a toxic brownfield site which has sat in our midst for over 30 years and it needs to be cleaned up now. Moving the Water Taxi nearby will allow for much needed parking and Metro transit connections. I also asked the Port to act now; we've waited far too long.

Ann Owchar

West Seattle


Did they go to school?

My pet peeve is hearing some people say, "dis," "dat," "day," "dose," and "dem" instead of "this," "that," "they," "those," and "them."

I wonder why they can't pronounce those words right, because "if" they went to school, they certainly didn't learn to say, "dis," "dat," "day," "dose," and "dem."

Maybe the teachers are afraid to correct them.

Rose Kruger

White Center


Op-Ed - Progress? What's it to you?

High school teachers and people who publish opinion pieces should probably consider getting unlisted phone numbers. I'm not considering it yet, though. The people who call offer interesting perspectives and plenty of advice . . .


"Sorry to call you at home, Ms. Hall, but you said it was important for me to advocate for myself, and I want to advocate for you to change my grade to an `A'!."

"Uh, how did you get my number, Lobelia?"

"I looked it up in the phonebook."

"Oh. Right. Well, that's showing initiative! You go, girl!


Alki told to make a neighborhood plan

Venus Velazquez stood before two dozen members of the Alki Community Council making the case for neighborhood planning, telling them Alki needs to write its own neighborhood plan to avoid becoming overcrowded with restaurants, bars and hotels.

The City Council candidate reminded the group she'd worked four years in West Seattle trying to implement its neighborhood plans.
