October 2007

McDermott sworn in

State Rep. Joe McDermott became State Sen. Joe McDermott last week when he was appointed by the Metropolitan King County Council to the Senate to replace Erik Poulsen who resigned earlier this month.

"It's an honor and a privilege to serve the citizens of the 34th District," said McDermott after taking the oath. "I will take my passion for education and equal rights to the Senate."

Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane, said the Senate looks "forward to welcoming Joe to the Senate.


North Highline Council seeking applicants for open seat

Residents of the North Highline Unincorporated Area District 3 may submit an application to fill an open council position up until Nov.12.

The position for District three shall be appointed at the council's regular meeting on Nov. 15th, 2007.

District 3 includes approximately the unincorporated area south of Southwest 107 Street between 30th Avenue Southwest and 4th Avenue Southwest.

To obtain a Candidate Filing Statement or to learn more about the open position contact Heidi Johnson.


Candidates hit area's hot buttons

As the general election nears candidates for Seattle City Council positions are campaigning heavily around hot button issues like affordable housing.

Voters will decide four races for City Council, including three incumbents, on Nov. 6.

The candidates appeared in dyads last week at a forum in Ballard. Each pair had 20 minutes to take turns answering questions posed by moderator Robert Drucker, a member of the community group hosting the event.

Jean Godden vs.


Industry worried about condos

Seattle's industrial lands are the source of good paying jobs for 25 percent of the city's workforce, but industry owners worry that growing pressure to build condos and apartment buildings on land zoned for industrial use threatens their economic future and the city's.

During a panel discussion about the future of Seattle's industrial lands recently, manufacturers and industrial landlords said the city's industrial areas need more protection from gentrification.


No new damage to Alaskan Way Viaduct

Inspection results show no additional settlement of the Alaskan Way Viaduct between Columbia Street and Yesler Way, and no new structural damage.

"It's always good news when we do not see additional settlement, but we still need to move forward with the repair to keep the viaduct safe for drivers," said Harvey Coffman with the Washington State Department of Transportation bridge preservation office.

Since the 2001 Nisqually earthquake, the viaduct has settled approximately 5 inches between Columbia Street and Yesler Way.



Beach Drive resident Steve Kizer cleans off felt pen grafitti last week after the presentation of the new sign for Me-Kwa-Mooks Park. The sign was marked hours after it was installed and before the Oct. 13 dedicaiton by Alan Schmitz, grandson of the couple who built an estate where the park is now. Photo by Steve Shay.
