November 2007

He's left in the lurch

I screwed up.

I had a touch of carpal tunnel pain and overdid my exercise routine at the fitness club.

Now I can't use my right hand. I need help on anything that calls for right hand use.

Try brushing your teeth left handed, writing, eating oatmeal without dripping milk on the table or Cheerios that won't stay on the wobbly spoon.

I can't drive a car because all the knobs and handles are backward.


Fair fares needed for southend Metro bus riders

As the King County Council and King County Metro Transit are proposing fare increases in 2008, the need to adjust the boundary lines between Peak Hours Zones is also warranted.

For some 20 plus years Metro has unfairly charged residents of the Southend bus areas for 2-Zone Peak hour rates while residents of the Northend, riding a farther distance, are only charged with a 1-Zone Peak hour fare.

With the upcoming 2008 legislation to increase Metro Transit fares, said legislation should address the unbalance in Peak Hours Zoning areas and correct the traveled distances (fro


Meet Ken Austin

Ken Austin has a dream to help youth in White Center. He runs Beverly Hills Auto Detail on Delridge Way. It's a fledgling business tucked into a tiny spot in White Center but he's managed to make a positive impression with area businesses including Malo's Auto Rebuild and others with a reputation for doing high quality work. Ken volunteers as a coach at the Red Shield Community Center as a youth basketball coach and works with young people frequently helping teams and other organizations with fund raisers. Ken's dream is to train kids to detail and repair cars.


Ideas With Attitude

Last minute shoppers

By Georgie Bright Kunkel

As I was about to click send after writing a column about the sad state of the nation during wartime, I was interrupted by my daughter saying that we needed whipping cream for the two pumpkin pies I had baked to bring to her home for Thanksgiving.


On Healthy Families

Ways to eat to reduce stress

By Suzzanne Bull

The holidays are upon us. For many families, this is the time of year to enjoy eggnog, make gingerbread houses, eat turkey and stuffing and bake cookies. These holiday traditions that families share are delicious and numerous, but often they give us a yearly dose of less than healthy habits.

In fact, the holidays are a time when our nation's slow slide toward more and more unhealthy habits seems to accelerate. The reality is that today's families are getting less healthy and more out of shape all the time.


At The Admiral

'Once' is unpredictable film

Directed by John Carney

Rated R

(Four Stars)

By Bruce Bulloch

On a street in Dublin a jumpy young addict chats up a wary busker. The musician (Glen Hansard) isn't quite sure what to expect from this conversation - whether his money or simply his patience is in peril. The scene, shot in the static, slightly grainy cinematography common to low-budget films, has the same rumpled look as the musician and it's hard not to join him in wondering what, if anything, you're going to get from this encounter.


Kids over bicycles

Relatively inexpensive sidewalks are to be installed on Southwest 104th adjacent to Arbor Height Elementary School and that is the good news. Less than good news is the fact that bureaucratic gobbely-gook is slowing the chance for sidewalks around Sanislo School.

We are told that the Arbor Heights sidewalk project will be in two parts, each costing about $35,000.


Don't look down on White Center

I am writing you because I have long sat back and digested the words used to describe White Center by Burien residents.

It sickens me to hear that I must be less than human and definitely less than they (Burien residents) are because of my geographical location. It is appalling to me to hear about how they think of me, my family, and my neighbors.

Burien residents have a holier than thou attitude that they are better than we are. Burien residents are making it us versus them mentality.

A rave for Tully's on Alki

I don't work for this company and I'm not in marketing but I want to express a big rave for Tully's on Alki.

If you want great drinks, pastries, quiche or free goodies for your dog; if you want great service with a guaranteed smile; if you want a great atmosphere to meet friends, read or WiFi; if you want to see a great mosaic or whispering junior citizens and laughing senior citizens - then go to Tully's on Alki.

Semi-weekly 12 or 14 of us seniors can't wait to swarm around the huge table they provide for us to wait for their welcoming service.