December 2007

Election message by voters heard by tax-and-spenders

The will of the voters has finally brought Olympia to its knees and it's a beautiful thing to watch.

Michael Young, Chairman

King County Republican Party

November's election - and a politically motivated ruling by the state Supreme Court two days later - may re-energize the taxpayer revolt in Washington that had its genesis with Initiative 695.

Certainly the trend to limit what both local and state government can collect and spend was on the upswing by month's end as the Legislature, meeting in special session, overwhelmingly reinstated a 1 percent c


Tabor retires from military service

James K. Tabor, a graduate of Mt. Rainier High School, Class of 1980, joined the U.S. Navy and after completing boot camp in San Diego, Calif. He became the second Honor Graduate from the School of Electronics in the Memphis, Tenn,, area. He was also the first Honor Graduate from all three Electronic Courses in Pensacola, FL to become an Airborne Electronics Warfare Operator.

In March, 2007 he retired from the U.S.


Ken (Kenneth A.) Evans


Born in Rifle, Colo., moved with his family to Woodland, Wash., together with nine brothers and sisters. At 17, Ken joined the Navy, and served as Aviation Metalsmith in the South Pacific during World War II.

Discharged May 1946, he married Emza Galbraith in Woodland Dec. 31, 1946. Emza and Ken were together until her death 49 years later.