March 2008

School Board makes wise move

It was a good thing that the Seattle School Board did last week, and we were happy to see relatively quick action on a somewhat Byzantine process of leasing or selling buildings that are no longer used as schools.

The board approved a plan that used to reduce rent 50 percent for seven organizations that promoted youth and family activities, including the Fauntleroy School which now serves as a day care and community center.


Let them miss the boat

I am a resident of the Fauntleroy community and understand the transportation needs of the Vashon Islanders and residents of the Southworth area. However, I must echo the complaints that most Fauntleroy residents have expressed but apparently have fallen upon deaf ears of our elected officials, particularly the mayor (isn't he a long time resident of West Seattle? Oh yes, he doesn't have to deal with the ferry problems, so why care?).

I implore the mayor or the chief of traffic control to drive down Fauntleroy Way along the Lincoln Park between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Dear Missa

(Tyler's teacher)

Braxton and I were talking about the article you sent home with him on Take-Out Containers.

In my opinion the paper ones have been "green-washed" and are no better than Styrofoam. Neither should be allowed, but in our society restaurants serve such large portions and few people think to bring their own Tupperware to the restaurant (our family does - when we remember and I am glad to see that Tyler does too). That should, in my opinion, be the focus of what we teach kids.

Dogs often mistreated

It's wonderful that Erica and Julia Guerette collect books for children who live in small towns along the Iditarod race route. But they should know that the Iditarod is terribly cruel to dogs.

What happens to the dogs during the Iditarod includes death, paralysis, penile frostbite, bleeding ulcers, bloody diarrhea, broken bones, pneumonia, torn muscles and tendons, viral diseases, ruptured discs, sprains, anemia and lung damage.

On average, 53 percent of the dogs who start the Iditarod do not make it across the finish line.

Fix the viaduct

Having read the resent article in the Herald on the viaduct, I'm still at a loss as to whether the issue to tear to down the Viaduct is an objective issue or a political issue.

The question in my mind is that if they can repair the worst part of the viaduct, why can't they repair the rest of it. I try to be objective, but I keep coming back to suspecting the issue is political.

Please do more investigating on this concern, including interviewing Victor Gray and other non political engineers.

Louis Hilton

West Seattle


Need fund request help

I'm writing because I am preparing a grant request (for) Neighborhood Matching Funds to do a project called El Club de Lectura. This is an after-school Spanish language literacy program for kids in elementary.

The letter of intent was written for Roxhill and Highland Park. Roxhill is on board and I hope to speak with the principal at Highland Park soon. I would love to have one of you join as part of our steering committee. I also need to solicit support from whomever is going to be reviewing the apps for the city. I believe you all have a say on this project.

Bring our troops home

Well I try to never get mad, but this war has to stop. We need all the troops home. It's time to take care of our own. The mothers, wives, children and fathers need these giving men and women home. Four thousand (dead) are too many.

We don't need to send the Olympics to China either. I do not think it will be a safe move. Just remember this please, keep all of us safe. I'm tired of all the oil talks. Write to Congress, use the sun, air and water that God gave us. Thanks for caring.

Kathleen Vogel

Delridge Way


BlueStar plans new apartments

BlueStar Management said last week it would build Gateway Center, its second large mixed-use building on Fauntleroy, this one across 39th Avenue form their Fauntleroy Place complex that will include a Whole Foods store and Hancock Fabrics.

The mix-use project is planned for where the now-closed Huling Bros. Buick showroom is, with construction expected to begin late next year and be finished by early 2011.


Montessori school seeks to lease Fairmount site

Harbor Properties soon will raze the buildings that have housed the West Seattle Montessori School for 28 years and the preschool children, older students and their teachers have till the end of August to find another place for their school.

About a mile due south, Fairmont Park Elementary School stands empty, closed by the Seattle Public School District in June 2007.

At the school board meeting last week, parents, teachers and volunteers asked - if not begged - the district to lease them the property.

A yellow land use action placard at the Montessori front do
