April 2008

Stabbing death of man leads to arrest of teen


Stabbing death of man leads to arrest of teen

April 10-A 15-year-old Burien girl was arrested for the stabbing death of a 49-year-old Kent man.

She was booked into the Youth Center for investigation of homicide.

King County Sheriff's deputies were called to the man's home on April 8 for a welfare check, according to spokesman Sgt. John Urquhart.

A co-worker had become concerned when the victim didn't show up for work, Urquhart reported. Deputies found the man in his garage, stabbed to death.

Fred is flamingoed

Meet Fred Feiretag

Fred Feiretag was dismayed when he arose one morning last week and discovered a flock of pink plastic Flamingos in his yard. He had been FLAMINGOED by members of the Grace Lutheran Church summer mission team.

It was all for a good cause by a gang of young members of his church who planted the long out of style yard ornament as a fundraiser.


School board waits for study

The Highline School Board has heard concerns from a number of people regarding the proposed sale of a small slice of district property to the developer of a proposed condominium complex near Seahurst Park. Though there are other points of access to the property, the school district owns the access point most convenient to Westmark Development.

We do appreciate hearing from community members about issues such as property sales. That is why we hold a public hearing before moving forward with any sale.


Federal Way Hero honored by the American Red Cross

Federal Way police officer Julie Ann Benjert was honored April 10th by the American Red Cross as one of its 2008 "Everyday Heroes."

PEMCO Insurance sponsors the annual Police Rescue award.

On June 29, 2007, Federal Way Police Officers Stacy Eckert and JulieAnn Benjert were in Renton for training.

While driving back to work in horrible weather, they came upon a car accident.

A truck crossed the double yellow lines straight into oncoming traffic, slamming head-on into a van.

They saw right away it was serious, but although bystanders were f


Part 9: Why are our schools failing our children?

Chalkboard or score board?

We seem to think that most kids can do both, but elsewhere they don't!

The 21st Century may well become known as the "Knowledge" Century as opposed to the "Industrialized" moniker that may be attached to the 20th Century.

Yet we seem to be preparing our children for something else other than the acquisition of knowledge unlike the emerging powers that may dominate the 21st Century.

Schools used to have what was called "extra curricular activities."

It is interesting to see that this term has begun to migrate to "


Do your own taxes?

Today is the day after the IRS tax filing deadline.

If you're fortunate, you have completed that onerous task and have dropped your forms off at the Post Office and are breathing a sigh of relief.

If you're a tax accountant, however, it maybe be even better than that.

Many tax preparation businesses around the country celebrate the day after the deadline with parties, golf outings, festive restaurant lunches or just in catching up on the yard work.

Because it is not uncommon for tax accountants to work 14-hour days in the weeks before the April 15th


Think globally, act locally

Here are four great opportunities to give back to the planet and your community.

Show your Federal Way spirit by volunteering to help clean up the West Hylebos Wetlands Park, Saghalie Park, Lakota Creek and the BPA Trail on Earth Day.

Earth Day 2008 occurs on Saturday, April 19.

West Hylebos Wetlands Park

Hillary Kleeb, Friends of the Hylebos Stream Team Coordinator, writes that her organization seeks volunteer help to eradicate some invasive species from the popular wetlands park.
