May 2008

Coyotes an urban menace

Cats and small dogs are missing, brazenly swiped before their owner's eyes or found mutilated. We are in the city of Seattle, not the outskirts. We chose to live in the city, not Issaquah or Woodinville, where you would more likely run into issues with wild animals.

Seattle, with all its hills, does lend itself to have lovely little greenbelts right within the city; but does that mean we must live with wild animals that the city or fishing and wildlife departments will not even address.


Strip out Mercer/

Valley Street money

(Editor's Note: This letter was written to members of the Seattle City Council with a copy to this newspaper.

Honorable Council members,

I am writing to urge you to remove the provision of Council Bill 116161 that approves an initial payment of $25 million to purchase property and begin work on the proposed $200 million Mercer/Valley Street plan.

This project wasn't worth the cost when it was estimated at $90 million, let alone now that it has doubled to over $200 million.

Room for Creationism

I believe that our society is big enough not only for those who subscribe to the evolution of life from primeval scum, but also for those who believe that "the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7)

With respect to their earthy earthly bodies, the latter also know that "dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Gen 3:19)

For the evolutionist, we may simply paraphrase: "Scum thou art, and unto scum shalt thou return."

Think Green.


Intelligent Design is a fact

Greetings: I would like to clarify the erroneous information contained in a letter published in (May 7th) Herald by re-titling it and explaining the new title, as follows: "Intelligent Design is not a theory; Its a fact!

Intelligent Design does not need to be "reviewed by scientists around the world and checked a rechecked to be sure it is valid." It's validity is apparent to all scientists by observing everything from the unique location of the earth in the universe, to allow life to occur here, to the extensive complexity of the human body that allows each of us to think and expre

Treat our neighborhood

as your own

Residents of West Seattle, Vashon, and Fauntleroy Ferry users:

I write this letter as a respectful request. Please treat the neighborhoods that you pass through on your commute with the same respect that you would ask of someone traveling through your own neighborhood.

For example, Fauntleroy Way Southwest between Southwest Morgan Street and Southwest Alaska Street has a speed limit of 35 miles per hour. Thirty-five, not 45, not 65, and certainly not 75.

Please share the road with your fellow drivers, bikers, and pedestrians.


Great teacher at work

I was really delighted to see this article ("Sweatshop at WSHS," Herald May 7).

My son is a prior student of Heather Tullius and visited the class as they lived this sweatshop experience. His reaction was I am sure similar to his peers, "it makes you stop and think."

What more can I say?

Another example of how a great teacher can help form her students on many levels to hopefully make the world more aware, and able to make changes that really will impact the world.


No one is safe

Well I guess the time for hard laws to be passed on the killing of animals and people. Today they (who) don't know. But if they will shoot a caged animal how safe are you? Will she or he be killing people and children next?

Where is the respect, love, and caring gone? The person who shot the seals that we cage should suffer the same fate, only slower. If the person was from my family or was my friend, they would be turned in. Please someone, please report that person or persons.

Kathleen Vogel

