August 2008

Des Moines deputy fire chief earns certification

South King Fire & Rescue Deputy Chief Jerry Thorson earned the title of "Certified Emergency Manager" (CEM) last month.

South King serves the cities of Des Moines and Federal Way.

The certification in emergency management will be officially presented in Overland Park, Kansas in November.

The credential is an internationally recognized program that certifies achievements within the emergency management profession.


King County drug house law approved

Landlords and property owners will now play a greater role in combating crime on properties in North Highline and other unincorporated areas in King County under legislation adopted last week by the King County Council.

The "Safer Neighborhoods Ordinance" brings landlords and tenants together with the King County Sheriff's Office for the first time to combat drugs and violent crimes in the unincorporated areas.


Poll watchers wanted

With the election less than one month away, King County Elections is still looking for 700 individuals to fill nearly 4,000 poll worker positions.

"King County hasn't yet made the transition to all-mail voting and poll workers are still needed to help ensure that poll voters can cast their vote on Election Day," said Sherril Huff, King County Elections Director.


Who says doctors don't make house calls?

You could call Dr. Sarah Babineau a modern-day Marcus Welby.

Every Monday and Thursday, Babineau jumps into her blue Honda CR-V and heads to her patients' homes throughout King County. With her stylish purple-and-red doctor's bag that looks more like a sports tote, Babineau is able to bring care to those who are unable or unwilling to leave their homes to visit their doctors in a clinic.

Babineau works with Providence ElderPlace, a program that provides health care and social services for older adults.


SeaTac citizen boards earn more speaking rights

SeaTac lawmakers voted July 22 to allow citizen advisory committees equal footing with city departments in presenting information during council meetings.

Deputy Mayor Gene Fisher offered a revision enabling the planning commission members to present their opinions on pending legislation at the same time as the planning department.

Some lawmakers voiced concern about adding a rule that might prolong already lengthy council meetings.

Fisher countered that he didn't understand a reluctance to allow more citizen input.

Mayor Ralph Shape proposed an amen


Work starting on Burien Transit Center

Construction of the new Burien Transit Center began last week.

It is located at 4th Avenue Southwest and Southwest 150th Street, the site of the current transit center and Burien Park-and-Ride.

Metro officials said the new expanded transit center will provide bus riders with better connections, improved security, and faster travel times for buses.

"This project is a model of how we can make it possible for residents to live and work in walkable, transit-rich communities," said King County Executive Ron Sims.


Ground broken for new Highline emergency room

Staff, patients and community members gathered July 31 for a groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the construction and campaign for support of a new emergency room facility and patient care unit at Highline Medical Center in Burien.

Highline Chief Executive Officer Mark Benedum said the new facility was the "greatest undertaking we've ever hard in the history of Highline Medical Center."

In order for the new facility to be built, another building that had been built in 1958 has been torn down.

According to officials, the new building will be "three times as larg


Sound Transit 2--The future

More transit options may be coming your way. T

The Sound Transit board of directors decided to move a measure to this November's ballot that will ask the region if they want to fund a significant expansion of bus and rail service.

Since last year's defeat of Proposition 1, the roads and transit proposal, we have heard that residents want more transit options; they want service delivered faster and cheaper. Whereas Proposition 1 proposed funding for roads expansion and improvements, Sound Transit 2 is focused solely on transit, i.e.
