December 2008

Stand up to Port

I completely agree with the comments of Cary Brown on Dec 1st.

Last night I watched plane after plane land on the third runway, against a backdrop of starry skies -- definitely not instrument conditions.

This morning questioning the Port gives me the answer that they are indeed using the runway to "alleviate congestion during high capacity."

Did anyone hear that in the long struggle against The Port?


Take with grain of salt

I went to the Port's open house when the third runway opened, and they said it would be used mainly for landings.

The landing noise contours are much smaller than those for takeoff. But the middle runway will be closed for re paving, so we're back to a two-runway airport for a while.

With all the Port's waste, fraud, and abuse that's been on the front pages, we'll have to take that with a grain of salt. And somewhere deep in the cellar, they're thinking of a fourth runway.

Jim Burrows



Sound fence needed

On Dec. 4th a team of airport staff made a presentation to the Citizens Against Sea-Tac Expansion meeting.

While the presentation had some technical weak points, it was very significant that the first flight from the third runway was a TAKE OFF by an Alaska Airlines 737 and not a landing.

Extensive time was given to describe the training of staff for takeoffs and landings.

Support for lift?

Hi, my name is Mike Powers.

I'm the cubby guy that was down at the marina last winter getting people to sign the petition to save the boat lift.

I plan to do the same this year, but I need to know that there is support out there before I spend another winter at the marina and ask the merchants that had the petitions posted at their stores again.

I need to see some support before I go forward with this.

I can be contacted at 253-839-6831 or 253-332-7972 or

Let's give them hec


Coping with the cold

Heavy snow and icy roads didn't slow down Burien residents who found creative ways to brave the elements and get around heavily snow packed neighborhoods.

Intrepid Burienites (and even pets) took to the streets, sidwalks, and hills to get around and have some fun, on what for many was a "Snow Day."


Burien, Seattle agree on annexation

Burien and Seattle have reached a preliminary agreement on the proposed annexation of the unincorporated area of North Highline.

The parties involved in the mediation talks include the cities of Burien and Seattle, King County and the Burien/Normandy Park and North Highline fire departments. The city councils, county council and fire district commissioners will have to ratify the agreement. Burien was expected to do that on Dec.


Funding set for trail through Highline

King County and city officials announced last week an initial $705,000 funding for a proposed 17-mile regional "Lake-to-Sound" trail that would connect the cities of Renton, Tukwila, SeaTac, Burien and Des Moines.

"This proposed trail will provide a connection to several existing trails in south King County as well as create a new route from southern Lake Washington in Renton all the way to Puget Sound in Des Moines," said council chairwoman Julia Patterson, whose district includes SeaTac, Tukwila and Des Moines.

The south county trail is in a very underserved area w


Schools are facing double levy failure type cuts

The Highline School District has been passing its levies pretty easily lately.

But with the recent economic downturn, that might not save the district's 2009-10 budget from taking a bad beating.

District finance director Susan Smith Leland told board members Dec.10 that anticipated state-funding cuts could result in a budget shortfall of up to $14 million.

That would affect district revenues in the same way as if the district had failed to pass its levy two years in row, Leland noted.

Vulnerable programs she identified include Intiative-728 fund
