December 2008

Catsino was amazing community event

On November 1st, the Beveridge Place Pub was transformed into a homegrown,

Las Vegas style...Catsino! Local businesses, animal rescue groups and Furry Faces Foundation

came together to offer our community this entertaining, inexpensive event which allowed

people to have fun while supporting animals. From adopting gaming tables, to providing

fabulous raffle prices and everything in between, our generous business friends

and rescue groups made it happen.


NEW District plans concern Pathfinder, Cooper communities

Parents and teachers expressed appreciation and outrage at West Seattle's School Board member Steve Sundquist at a public hearing to discuss the proposal to close the Genesee Hill building, home to Pathfinder K-8, and move students into Cooper Elementary.

Jennifer Giomi, parent-teacher and student association president at Pathfinder, opened the meeting by explaining to the board and community members the value of Pathfinder's alternative education program, which practices expeditionary learning and has a foundation in Native American values.

Giomi also clarified that Path


Developer looking to cut costs, Whole Foods still on

Despite rumors to the contrary, the Whole Foods project at the new development Fauntleroy Place is still a go, but some measures are underway to reduce the total cost of the $65 million project, according to the developers BlueStar Management/Development.

The decision to conduct "value engineering" was made after the first phase of the project was completed at the end of November, said Eric Radovich, managing director of public relations, marketing and human resources for BlueStar.

It will include rebidding on some existing materials and some structural redesign work.


Mrs. Anthony's bird

Mrs. Anthony dumped the cup of minced onions into the pot and stirred it and a wonderful aroma soon filled the kitchen. The meat of the leftover Thanksgiving turkey along with some garlic, oregano, olive oil, corn, black beans, salsa, some Monterey Jack cheese...and, what?...that doesn't sound like the turkey soup you're used to?


Plant of the Month: Cedar, the Tree of Life

Sheiila Brown

It is the giving time of year, and a time to count our blessings. In the Pacific Northwest, we can give thanks to the Western Redcedar (Thuja plicata) for the many ways it contributes to our contemporary life. Like all plants, Redcedar uses carbon dioxide during the day to make sugar for energy and contributes to the oxygen balance in the atmosphere.


Free on curb: My life so far

Four years ago I typed words on my computer screen that changed my life. "Craig's List worked when I sold my car..." With that I posted myself on Craig's List in a moment of panic over the fact that I was pushing 44, had been a widow for 11 years and had not had a single date that year (it was mid-November). Yesterday I returned to that amazing web site and typed, "Free on curb: My life so far."

Four years ago my posting was on-line for under 24 hours, just long enough for someone whose friend had told him... "Craig's List worked when I had that extra concert ticket." Mr.
