December 2008

Parking meters in West Seattle?

It was done once before, but years ago. Alaska Junction merchants worked to have them removed and established free (but limited) parking behind many of the stores in the area.

So no paid parking? A few years ago there was a burst of attention as several banks and others who owned parking lots attached to their businesses hired private parking companies to manage their lots and charge people to park on evenings and weekends.

But generally, there was no paid parking in West Seattle. Rarely has parking been so bad in the Junction that you simply could not find a space.


Small business chill

Together with my husband, Joe, I own the clothing and gift stores Zamboanga, located on Winslow Green and at the West Seattle Junction. Probably nobody feels the chill economic wind blowing across the country more than people who own small businesses. We've employed local people over the years, paid our taxes and never been greedy, and yet it feels as if we are teetering on the brink of a gaping money-sucking chasm we had no hand in creating.

Oh well, it's onward and upward we go.


Neighborhood treasure

I am so surprised to see some negative comments (unsigned on Herald Web site) on this beautiful article.

In a city that prides itself on tolerance and acceptance, we should be as welcoming as possible to anyone who is opening his home to anyone in need. I personally know the Schwartz family and they are some of the most loving caring people I have ever met!

Thanks for writing this article about one of the treasures of our neighborhood.

Ken Jurgis

West Seattle


Spencer is a playful "Pure Bred Shelter Cat"

Seven month old Spencer, who lives with John, Viveca, and Christina Monahan, loves to play. He's also "Fearless of other cats," said John," He just goes right up to them and assumes they want to play with him."

Spencer is an avid TV watcher, whose favorite show is "Gossip Girls" but who will watch other shows too. "He watches TV closer than I do," John said, "He likes to follow people moving on the screen."

The Monahans got Spencer from the Bellevue Animal Shelter and while they have other cats "who adopted us" Spencer is special.


Rabbi a good person

Rabbi Schwartz is a very kind, gentle, God fearing person. He and his family show true hospitality to everyone they meet. This article reflects that._Some of the comments sent in reflect the mean-spiritedness of the left who find it difficult to forgive and love others with different values and opinions.

Donna Burkhart
