Pet of the Week: Klaus is a cat who likes to go for walks
About 12years ago Sara Parker heard a neighbor yelling at a stray cat. The animal was following and talking to the neighbor and Parker decided "I want that cat!"
She took the black and white female cat home and her teenage son asked to name it Klaus. She asked him 'Why a girl cat named Klaus?' but he has never given a reason. Klaus talks to Parker incessantly, but won't make a sound for days at a time if left with a house sitter or anyone else.
Klaus is both lovable and annoying, once she disappeared for nine days, only to reappear at 6:30 one morning, never telling her secret. Another time she spent three days in a neighbors basement, the neighbors thought they had a large rat and sought Parker's assistance in removing it.
Most cats like to stay around the house or their extended territories, not Klaus. When Parker heads out of the house with Loba, her female Siberian Husky, for her morning walk Klaus springs into action. There is really no stopping her. She has a cat door that lets her into the fenced yard and she easily slips between the gate and fence.