Local pastor gives Nigerian polio victims a lift
West Side Presbyterian’s semi-retired pastor Ron Rice is dedicated to giving a lift, both spiritually and physically, to Nigerians afflicted with polio, a paralyzing non-curable disease. Nigeria has half the population of America, and more polio cases than any other nation.
With the encouragement, and donations, from his congregants and others, Rice has organized the Nigerian Wheelchair Ministry. A ministry, perhaps, but his operation seems to be more of a bicycle shop on the surface. It is located in Jos, a city of over half a million in Northern Nigeria. There, 20 paid workers reconfigure bicycle parts shipped from India with steel tubing they weld on site into what some might call hand-cranked three-wheeled bicycles. The operator both peddles and steers by hand. Rice simply calls them wheelchairs, as they enable polio victims to bike to school who otherwise barely walk.