Troubling report on Water Taxi
Dear Editor,
I wrote a letter to the editor that appeared in the Herald’s April 8, 2009 edition regarding the need for greater scrutiny of the costs of the Water Taxi. A King County official responded to that letter alleging that the Water Taxi was economically viable.
A recent July 15, 2009 column in The Seattle Times indicated that the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) prepared an evaluation of Puget Sound regional passenger-only ferries in July of 2008. The King County official’s letter did not reveal the existence of that PSRC study for very good reason – the conclusions were entirely disturbing and unfavorable to the Water Taxi.
According to a report, the Water Taxi handles roughly 660 passengers per day at its peak, not including the parts of the year when travel on Elliott Bay is less than ideal. It costs $1.67 million to operate.
The King County Ferry District was established in 2007 and may levy a property tax of up to 75 cents per $1,000 of assessed value for ferry district purposes. Taxpayers subsidized operational costs of the Water Taxi.