Why no addresses?
Dear Editor,
I am writing in reference to Vol. 117, No. 37 of the Ballard News-Tribune, dated Friday, Sept. 25, 2009. In reading through the paper, two particular articles attracted my attention: on the front page “Swedish breaks ground on new medical office,” by Michael Harthorne and on page eight, “Vision Greenwood presents design options for redevelopment of park,” by Allison Espiritu.
Both articles provided information about projects, but neither one provided details about specific locations. The article on Swedish said it would be next to the Medical Plaza Building on Tallman Avenue. I actually went to the Swedish Web site to see a map of where this actually might be. Your article was pretty vague.
The article on Greenwood talked about Greenwood Park, but I have no idea where that is. I’ve lived on Northwest 80th Street near 3rd Northwest for 35 years and have no idea where Greenwood Park is located. I’m familiar with Sandel Playground but have never heard of Greenwood Park.