How are we doing?
How are we doing?
In the “Gladiator” department evidently not very well. The coach of the Seahawks was sacked after his first season for a 5 and 11 season. Why? Evidently the management didn’t think that this was good enough.
In the “Education” department reports show that we are somewhere between 21st and 29th in the developed nations. Clearly not in “The Playoffs!” Should we be sacking someone? If so, who?
In Athletics coaches send out “Scouts” to determine how other teams are playing so that they can “Coach” their players to meet the competition. Assuming we want to “Make the Playoffs” in the world competition, shouldn’t we be “Scouting” our competition; then changing our plans to meet the competition?
Educators frequently refer to the concept of “Best Practices” as they search for better results. This is “Scouting” in the same sense as coaches are doing when they review videos of opposing teams.