The solution?: Set high standards and establish consequences for not meeting them
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.” H.L. Menken.
This quote is often made about solving our education problems by local educators. There have to be a few corollaries to this axiom at least in education.
Let’s start with “There don’t seem to be any complex solutions to complex problems that work in education, or complex problems in education are usually a result of collecting simple problems into a larger problem.”
A local writer put it, “Problems whose solutions are simple but unpopular are labeled as complex to account for the fact that they have not had the unpopular solution applied. “ This creates an excuse for some of the poor achievement seen in many school districts.
There does seem to be a simple solution, for many, to the problem of getting a satisfactory education. Over Thanksgiving I was in Boston and had a meeting with my Son-in-law whose office is right across the street from Boston Latin School.