Click It or Ticket ramps up patrols this month
As city, county and state law enforcement gear up for another statewide Click It or Ticket seat belt mobilization between May 24 and June 6, officers would be wise to take extra precautions with people who drive unbuckled at night. That’s because new research shows that nighttime unbuckled drivers are twice as likely as daytime buckled drivers to have criminal records for offenses that involve violence.
The Click It or Ticket seat belt patrols moved to the hours of darkness three years ago because the traffic death rate at night is four times higher. Officials also expected the research to show that nighttime unbuckled drivers have worse driving records, which proved true. The research also uncovered surprising findings about the criminal histories of nighttime unbuckled drivers. Compared to people who drive during the day with their seat belt on, nighttime unbuckled drivers are:
- Three times as likely to have a felony record.
- Twice as likely to have a criminal record for offenses that involves violence.
- Three times more likely to have a DUI on their record.