Deep-bore tunnel not a done deal, group insists
The buzz around the deep-bore tunnel project has not been, well, boring. Is the project, which would cost the city, county, state, port and, of course, taxpayers between $1.9 billion and $8 billion, a fait accompli?
"No!" said Ballard activist Ed Plute, with and Seattle Citizens Against the Tunnel or SCAT.
The groups' leaders meet in a conference room at the Ballard Neighborhood Service Center. Others include West Seattle retired general contractor Bud Shasteen, Port Townsend retired civil engineer Victor Gray and wife Paula, political activists Elizabeth Campbell from Magnolia and Dorli Rainey from Queen Anne, and retired Seattle civil engineer Christopher Brown.
SCAT comes up with the $8 billion figure by adding in bond issues' interest. With cost overruns, it's $10 billion. The $1.9 billion figure is the tunnel alone and not the cost of I-5 improvements, viaduct demolition, the seawall replacement, etc.